Homemade Vegetable Broth: Delicious and Cost-Effective!

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  • #96725 Reply

      It’s absolutely amazing to me that I can collect and freeze my veggie scraps then simply simmer them for a few hours… and have the most delicious vegetable broth! My whole life I’ve thought vegetable broth was nothing more than colored water (I’ve always used store-bought); I had no idea it was supposed to have flavor. I love making and preserving my own foods!

      I ended up with 33 pints! With the prices in California ($6.99 for 4 cups of organic broth), that’s $115 worth of broth made from scraps! Absolutely incredible. These skills should be taught in schools… but since they aren’t, I’m SO thankful for You-Tube and Facebook groups like this that help us to teach ourselves.




      #96727 Reply

        Not to be snarky, but how much gas did your stove use to simmer for a few hours? I’m in NorCal and feel I’m saving one place but paying for it somewhere else.

        #96728 Reply

          Try roasting the veggies first to give more flavor!! We save all of our bones and scraps !

          #96729 Reply

            Be careful that you are using a safe preservation method for your broth.

            #96730 Reply

              Don’t forget to do this with bones too. Steak bones, chicken bones. Don’t throw them away, freeze until it’s time to make broth. Use veggie scraps too and add fine noodles – I love using the rotisserie chicken for this after we’ve eaten the easily accessible meat
              Chicken Broth!

              Oh and you can get steak bones from the meat markets and make all your own bone broth (they sell for dog bones etc in a big bag)

              #96731 Reply

                My fruit and veggie scraps go to a neighbor’s pigs.

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