How can I balance my retirement savings given future tax concerns?

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  • #96652 Reply

      I am currently putting a significant amount towards my retirement. However, I am worried about future tax rates increasing and do not want to put too much more into my taxable assets. I feel as though it is imbalanced, as 100% of my portfolio is in tax-later accounts. What should I do outside of Roth’s? (income does not qualify)

      #96653 Reply

        Have you considered a backdoor Roth IRA?

        #96654 Reply

          It’s not like being taxed a bit will break the bank, but if you are concerned then do a Roth 401k and Roth IRA.

          #96655 Reply

            I’m not sure what you’re saying, but I don’t know anyone that regrets funding a brokerage account when the goal is to retire early.

            #96656 Reply

              Taxable brokerage.

              #96657 Reply

                Fully fund an HSA and look into a Roth 401k.

                #96658 Reply

                  HSA, backdoor Roth IRA, and brokerage if you plan to retire early. You should read the simple path to wealth based on the whole life question.

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