How can I better discipline myself to stay within my financial means?

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  • #101037 Reply

      How to discipline yourself with finances?! I am struggling to stay within my means (income).

      I find myself spending away above my means!

      I’m seeking advice on strategies to better manage my finances and ensure that I consistently live within my means.

      Despite knowing the importance of budgeting, I sometimes find myself overspending or making impulsive purchases that disrupt my financial stability.

      I would appreciate tips or techniques that others have found helpful in maintaining discipline with their spending habits.

      Whether it’s through setting clearer financial goals, adopting specific budgeting methods, or finding ways to curb impulsive spending, I’m open to all suggestions that could help me develop better financial self-discipline.

      #101038 Reply

        Carry cash. When it’s gone, you are done spending. You be surprised how fast it goes.

        #101039 Reply

          Before you make a purchase ask yourself if the purchase is a a WANT or a NEED.

          You need food and gas you may need new shoes but you want a handbag or another decorative item.

          It’s worked for me for many years.

          My mantra is “I have enough”.

          #101040 Reply

            I lost all my credit cards in a bankruptcy. That taught me more about finances in a few years than anything else in my long life.

            I’m almost out of the bankruptcy now, but I will not get any more credit cards.

            Get rid of the credit cards. Pay off all debt.

            It’s hard but worth it.

            #101041 Reply

              Is your spending caused by stress? If so, address the stress. Find ways to combat those feelings that cause it.

              I’d start with some meditations, then some form of exercise.

              #101042 Reply

                My best habits start with not going out as much..
                Try to consolidate your trips and plan carefully

                Don’t go out hungry..

                Pack snacks and water

                Shop your pantry

                Don’t buy it if it’s not on sale…

                don’t buy it if you don’t need it

                I find it’s easier to save money than to make money

                Most people spend most of their funds on things like gas station

                purchases, drive through food, etc

                Expensive and usually awful

                Plan ahead to make those changes less tempting… My airfryer helps me alot with that

                Plan for less trips of better quality

                #101043 Reply

                  Identify the emotional basis under spending and then do things that are free, repurposed, recycled etc.

                  while identifying and focusing on the joy, relief and pride of living within your means.

                  #101044 Reply

                    Write down every penny you spend daily! It makes yourself very accountable.

                    Then you can see where you can do better.

                    Cash only spending helps too.

                    Separate envelopes for different categories, groceries, fun, gas, etc.

                    #101045 Reply

                      I love listening to podcasts like caleb hammers financial audit to listen to how bad it can get if I don’t spend in my budget.

                      It helps me see what could happen if I don’t reign it in

                      #101046 Reply

                        It can be really challenging sometimes. If you feel like you really can’t trust yourself, just stay home.

                        Don’t go to the store unless you absolutely need something specific.

                        Don’t go places where you’ll be tempted.

                        Don’t browse Amazon or any other online stores.

                        It does get easier though with time and when you see your bank account grow, it all feels worth it

                        #101047 Reply

                          Credit cards are like gambling for some people.
                          If you do not have enough to pay off the credit card in full, once ensnared – it never ends.

                          Some credit cards are 30% interest.

                          You will never get out.

                          (S&P 500 is only making 10% per year.) the lending rate on revolving balance should be illegal.

                          Retail therapy is not going to help.

                          It give immediate dopamine pleasure.

                          When I know I just want to splurge I go to dollar tree.

                          There I feel rich.

                          I can buying ANYTHING in the store that I want.

                          If I get totally crazy, I can even buy more than one.

                          I may spend 100 but it’s on things I sort of already need for the house and it’s not that painful that I can’t pay it off fully, after I get paid.

                          It satiates that dopamine rush and then I don’t fall off the wagon for another three months.

                          #101048 Reply

                            If it’s not food, like groceries/necessity, bills rent, I look at it the price and think about how many hours of work I would need to do to make that money back.

                            That helps me decide. Is it worth the labor?

                            #101049 Reply

                              Consider working on contentment, stop the “want” part of spending. Know your trigger stores that make you want to spend.

                              For me it’s TJ MAXX, Marshall’s and Home Goods.

                              Find a hobby or activity to replace your shopping habit.

                              Go to your FREE library and read up on frugal ways – finance, homemaking and make prep.

                              Do what works for you – being frugal is not a one size fits all.

                              Make changes along the way if you see something isn’t working.

                              Cultivate relationships with people that are in similar circumstances and help each other.

                              Good luck on your journey!

                              #101050 Reply

                                Ask yourself why? Are you trying to keep up with others (Myself, I’d love a designer purse but I’m not willing to spend $1k or more just to have one)?

                                Just like buying things (so many cute things out there!).

                                Do you have any real financial goals?

                                Sometimes having a big goal is helpful.

                                Are you tracking your spending to see what you over spend on?

                                Good luck – overspending is so easy now.

                                #101051 Reply

                                  Break it down by this item cost me this amount of hours at work. I used to justify getting coffee shop coffee, daily, against a reoccurring expense of the hubs.

                                  When I did the math of what I spent in one year, it was glaringly obvious that I was only hurting the family and goals we needed to meet.

                                  It’s a mind shift.

                                  What are you willing to tolerate vs what are some things you could achieve financially if you pulled back on where your money goes.

                                  It’s not easy.

                                  I wish you strength as you find your way through it.

                                  #101052 Reply

                                    Cook cheap healthy meals at home
                                    Hit the food banks if you need too

                                    Buy only what you need for the week and only sales

                                    No take out

                                    No extras

                                    Do free events

                                    #101053 Reply

                                      If online shopping plays a roll, what I do is add stuff to my cart or wish list and just leave it there.

                                      The majority of the time I never end up buying it

                                      I finally bought a new record player that’s been in my Amazon cart for literally 2 years on Monday

                                      #101054 Reply

                                        Finding the deepest reason why getting into a new financial place is wanted.

                                        For example – I never want my kids to learn to struggle with money. I will be the model for them.

                                        Also digging deep into what you are emotional hole you may be trying to fill by buying things.

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