How can I earn extra money to pay off credit card debt?

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  • #111736 Reply

      I’m currently facing the challenge of paying off credit card debt and am looking for effective ways to earn some extra money.

      Balancing my regular job while managing this debt has been quite stressful, and I know I’m not alone in this situation.

      I would appreciate any advice, tips, or creative ideas on how to generate additional income. Whether it’s side hustles, freelance work, or passive income opportunities, I’m open to exploring various avenues.

      What methods have you found successful in making extra cash? Are there specific platforms or resources you recommend?

      Additionally, any insights on how to effectively manage time between a full-time job and side income activities would be very helpful.

      Thank you in advance for your support! Your experiences and suggestions can make a significant difference for someone like me trying to get back on track financially.

      #111737 Reply

        Cutting back on spending is easiest, then overyime if available, if not a side hustle. Can you house sit, pet sit, babysit?

        Or help someone at home, meal prep, organizing, housework, laundry, personal assistant.

        Or uber eats…

        #111738 Reply

          Sign up for delivery gig work such as grubhub, doordaah, instacart.
          Retail and restaurants are looking for holiday workers
          Babysit so parents can go to a party or Christmas shop

          Dog sit
          Senior sit
          Donate plasma

          #111739 Reply

            I did a major spring cleaning and had a yard sale. I made over $800! You can sell online if it’s too cold.

            #111740 Reply

              Knock on the door of seniors in your area they would gladly pay you for your offer of help.

              #111741 Reply

                What are your skills and how much time do you have?

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