How can I find a place to rent or buy after a decade as a live-in nanny?

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  • #106139 Reply

      I have been a live in nanny and caregiver for over a decade. I’m 44 years old. It’s time for me to get my own place but I have no idea where to start. Literally.

      I don’t know what city or state to look in or how to find a place to rent while I shop for a place to buy.

      I’m single with no children and no car.

      I’m currently in between jobs. I’m trying so hard to stay positive.

      I’m a little scared if I buy a house I won’t have a penny left. Since I’m not currently employed I can’t get a loan, not that I want one.

      I thought about buying a car just to live in while I look, I’m currently in northern California but don’t plan to buy/live here.

      Florida and Vegas were ideas because I think I could find work in Vegas but I just don’t know how to start, it’s been soo long since I’ve rented a room in someone’s house and even longer since I had my own place.

      Any advice is greatly appreciated

      #106140 Reply

        Get a car. Then rent until you really know where you want to be. I’m old…I know things

        #106141 Reply

          If you’re a qualified nanny, you could easily become a caregiver to a senior in your home, preferably private pay.

          It pays very well, and if you choose a capable senior who can take care of many of their own needs, you would just oversee meals and medications.

          Call adult services in the state where you wish to live, and buy that house!

          #106142 Reply

            You apparently have a lot of freedom, this is awesome! Think about what sort of lifestyle you want to live, what you enjoy doing, the climate you prefer, etc.

            Google “best places to live…” for what you’re looking for.

            There’s a lot of lists to access on Google according to affordability, culture, size, you name it!

            These lists can tell you the average apartment rent, crime rate, population age, women to men ratio, whether you need a car, etc, and you can pick a place that can be a thought out decision not a haphazard stumble into your future.

            #106143 Reply

              -Get a USED car, have a mechanic look it over (for a fee) before purchasing it.

              -Rent a room in a reputable boarding house, or a tiny apartment in Vegas, investigate Florida.

              Or live in Florida and investigate Vegas.
              -Learn all over how to live again.

              How to pay utilities, how to go shopping. Read, consult with realtors.

              -Wait till after January inauguration to take any final steps.

              #106144 Reply

                I saw a very cute mobile home that was about $25k. You would need a vehicle to pull it…

                #106145 Reply

                  Join a car camping group. There’s a great one for women only. So many great tips for how to live in your car

                  If you figure out what town or area you want to live in you can join that towns group and then post on it that you’re looking for an apartment to rent

                  To buy a house you usually have to have a steady income for two years straight to get a loan

                  Good luck!

                  #106146 Reply

                    I would start right in the city I’v spent most of my time in
                    Things are not so strange and foreign.

                    Look towards a small close community in a gated area.

                    Good luck friend. There must b some sort of protected housing scheme for ur age group.

                    #106147 Reply

                      I have seen ads where different states will pay you to come work in their city.

                      #106148 Reply

                        Maybe it’s time for a shift in employment? I used to have a housekeeping business.

                        Set my own hours, pay, and jobs I wanted to do; it was good $.

                        Now, I hired a housekeeping mother-daughter team, to help me keep my house clean.

                        They charge $40 per hour per person, and are very busy.

                        #106149 Reply

                          So many elderly in Silicon Valley that need caregivers. Can you advertise on the Next Door app that you’re available?

                          I would start there.

                          Get a job and income again.

                          Then start planning long term. What kind of weather do you like. So many older folks in Florida.

                          Seems like great long term career potential. Perhaps apply to a Florida senior facility for full time work.

                          Get your bearings. Then go independent?

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