How can I handle losing my job due to privacy concerns with cab cameras?

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  • #108210 Reply

      I need to ask my company more questions about the camera and how/what they are recording.

      I also need to do some soul searching and decide whether or not I’m interested in starting my own business or would rather work for another company.

      If the latter, you’ve given me a reality check about the status of fleet vehicles in general. Thanks for the links about PTO and insight into HR!

      Are there any tips to losing my job in the most financially astute way?

      I have been an electrician with my company for over a decade and we have always driven company vehicles. They are wanting to install cab cameras in the vehicles.

      I understand why that would be beneficial as an employer but I’m not willing to sacrifice my privacy.

      I often drive two hours each way to the job site and don’t want someone listening to my conversations during that time. I may be fired or forced to quit for that decision.

      I wouldn’t expect a severance package and am unfamiliar with unemployment insurance processes.

      I also have a month or so of vacation time saved and am not sure how to handle that as I don’t think I would be willingly compensated.

      What should I know or do during this process and transition?

      #108211 Reply

        I think you need to think this through a little more.
        No one wants to listen in on your conversations.

        The company is probably doing it to decrease insurance rates.

        #108212 Reply

          The company is doing it to get a cheaper insurance rate. Some only work when when there is an accident. It’s also going to protect you from frivolous lawsuits.

          #108213 Reply

            I’m assuming it’s Litix cameras. They don’t continuously record and store data, typically they’ll only record 30 sec before and after an accident to see the cause or if you’re continuously going over the speed limit.

            Most won’t pay for the audio as it doesn’t help reduce insurance rates and isn’t value added

            #108214 Reply

              Ask Your self are you gonna throw away over decade of time spent at the company over a dash cam?

              #108215 Reply

                Did they want to record inside the cap or is it more of a dash cam?

                #108216 Reply

                  Firstly, I want to say that I agree with the folks above who are telling you that your company doesn’t care to listen to your conversations, but they do care that you’re driving safely and can go home to your family every night.

                  I’d first reconsider your stance on this.

                  Secondly, if you do decide you want out, it’s in your best interest financially to find another job and quit this one.

                  If you get fired for cause, you likely won’t be eligible for unemployment, and even if you did, unemployment rates in most states are a pittance compared to what you’re likely making in your role.

                  You’ll more easily find another job while you’re still employed vs. if you’ve been let go and/or have an employment gap.

                  I’m in HR and can tell you recruiters definitely look critically at terminations and gaps.

                  Just save yourself the hassle.

                  #108217 Reply

                    Going by the comments, chances are, your next employer will have cameras or might install them down the road. If you like your job, don’t quit.

                    I don’t know how easy it is to find a job if you were fired from your last job.

                    You may get one but get underpaid

                    #108218 Reply

                      It’s not a privacy violation if you’re in their truck. Just like using company email or Internet, you have no expectation of privacy.

                      #108219 Reply

                        My son and brother initially had the same feeling when their company decided to install cameras in there vehicles.

                        But, after much thought and consideration they come to the conclusion not only does it give the company so protection but also gives you protection from false accusations.

                        If you have nothing to hide it won’t bother you.

                        #108220 Reply

                          Have you asked your employer if the cameras record audio.? Many do not. But the camera will show if you are distracted while driving (texting or typing into GPS) or eating while the vehicle is moving.

                          It will also document seat belt usage, and whether or not anyone not authorized is riding along in the vehicle.

                          #108221 Reply

                            My husband company has cameras. It’s for insurance purposes. They aren’t trying to invade on your privacy.

                            Things they monitor are eating in the vehicle, wearing a seatbelt.

                            The vehicles also track your driving.

                            That being said the only thing to do is start looking for another job now.

                            If you’re being paid for the value you bring to the job you shouldn’t have to take a pay cut.

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