How can I make a long-lasting DIY fabric freshener for my couch?

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  • #108638 Reply

      Hi all! I live in the mountains & I have 3 kids who love to play outside, and one large dog. I am currently using febreeze fabric freshener on my couch and sitting chairs a couple times a week, and I also spray once a week with a fabric disinfectant spray.

      My doc has a bath every 4 weeks. My kids are bathed every day or every other day depending on how dirty they get.

      I still find that the couch doesn’t stay smelling as fresh as I’d like it to. So many sprays are expensive to keep buying.

      Does anyone have any tips to make my own?

      I have tried using hot water, melting a tiny bit of those little laundry sprinkles into it & a pinch of tide detergent & shaking it up so the laundry sprinkles dissolve and spraying with that.

      But I’m wondering if there’s something else I can use that will have a longer lasting scent.

      #108639 Reply

        Sprinkle baking soda on it let it sit for a while and vacuum it off

        #108640 Reply

          I bought a whole couch cover that can be washed every week and got leather couches at a second hand store for $100 each.

          Bought from sure-fit website

          #108641 Reply

            Rubbing alcohol (super cheap) and some essential oils. They will mix up in a spray bottle, you don’t need much of the oil and you can mix a bit at a time.

            You can find essential oils online in a big bottle for what Febreeze costs.

            Try to get a glass bottle if you can, but plastic will also work.

            #108642 Reply

              I would try some diluted vinegar. Way cheap and probably less harmful. It will remove odor as opposed to cover it up.

              #108643 Reply

                Those scented products are toxic to humans and especially pets. Try vodka or a steam cleaner.

                Clean has no scent!

                #108644 Reply

                  Remove any covers that come off and machine wash. Rent a rug shampooer or steam cleaner to do carpets, rugs and any other upholstery.

                  Once dry put a blanket or other cover over furniture and wash weekly. No wet dogs in the house or keep in non carpet rooms until dried.

                  Brush pets outside often (a good chore for kids) Shoes off at the door, eating at the kitchen table, this includes sippy cups not allowed on furniture or carpet.

                  Dirty clothes go in a hamper and not on the floor. Air out the house at least weekly.

                  Turn off ac and heat. Open windows and doors. Minimum time 15 minutes.

                  Air freshners do not solve the cause of the smell it only temporarily covers it up.

                  Air freshners can be harmful when inhaling, particularly long term use.

                  Be sure what you are smelling is not mold. That’s a whole other matter and will be dangerous if not properly cleaned.

                  #108645 Reply

                    I live in the mountains too, get a gallon of odo ban. Make your own spray, the gallon should last along time

                    #108646 Reply

                      On a lighter side spray vodka, you can sip and clean at the same time.

                      Ballet companies never wash tutus, they are very expensive. They spray with vodka and air out to dry

                      #108647 Reply

                        Cover the couch with blankets and wash them once a week. With animals I haven’t found anything else effective

                        #108648 Reply

                          Dogs have worse bo than we do. If you can’t bathe dog every few days, get some deodorant pet wipes and use that.

                          You can also make your own pet dry shampoo with oats ground in food processor mixed with a smaller amount of baking soda.

                          Apply to dog, wait a few minutes and then brush!

                          #108649 Reply

                            Febreeze is toxic and should not be used, especially around humans and pets

                            #108650 Reply

                              I’m a little off topic, but I have dogs and babysit grandkids. I keep my

                              couch and chairs covered with quilts. Those can be laundered as often as necessary

                              #108651 Reply

                                Buy a bottle of essential oils (real ones, not Walmart ones) and a spray bottle.

                                There are recipes on pinterest that use alcohol and water for fabric sprays, or just water for room sprays.

                                A few drops of oil per bottle refill will go a super long way

                                #108652 Reply

                                  My 2 cents. Covering up odor with chemical sprays doesn’t solve the problem. How long can we mask it for and at what expense?

                                  Id borrow or rent an upholstery shampooer and do a deep clean. Airing out furniture with an outdoor breeze.

                                  Then invest in a cover or use blankets to cover which you may launder each week.

                                  All my furniture is covered with blankets, lol. Rotate them.

                                  #108654 Reply

                                    Take the pillow covers off and wash them in hot water or steam clean the whole couch

                                    #108655 Reply

                                      Febreeze has many toxic ingredients.
                                      OdoBan is an actual disinfectant so it kills bacteria, the source of odors.

                                      It can be diluted. A gallon is $10.

                                      I suggest you buy a steamer and clean the couch.

                                      A one-time purchase will save $ in the long run and can be used to sanitize mattresses.

                                      #108656 Reply

                                        Stop adding scents you’re just making it worse you need to neutralize, not pile on. Look for things that neutralize odors.

                                        don’t let dog on couch you clean kids are just getting filthy from the couch the filthy dog lays on.

                                        #108657 Reply

                                          Clean the couch, dry throughly then cover couch with blanket that can be washed easily.

                                          Freebreeze only masks the smells…so many chemicals into makes it tough for folks with skin and breating issues

                                          #108658 Reply

                                            Buy a couch cover and wash weekly. Before putting it on, deep steam clean it with vinegar water and let thoroughly dry.

                                            #108659 Reply

                                              Buy Odoban and put it in a spray bottle. About $10/gal from Amazon. Kills all kinds of odors

                                              #108660 Reply

                                                I agree: Buy a couch cover and wash weekly. Before putting it on, deep steam clean it with vinegar water and let thoroughly dry.

                                                #108661 Reply

                                                  Maybe tucking a fleece blanket on it where everyone sits and washing that periodically. I try to avoid chemicals.

                                                  #108662 Reply

                                                    You may have over saturated your couch with products. Try steam cleaning it with nothing but water. Make sure it’s getting completely dry as well.

                                                    If not, it may have mold growing under the fabric.

                                                    Might want to turn it over and clean the bottom area as well.

                                                    And check it out.

                                                    #108663 Reply

                                                      Most of those sprays are hazardous to your health, that of your children and pets.

                                                      Odoba, and Kay Carden said, is great.

                                                      It is pretty cheap too—especially if you have a Sam’s Club membership or know someone who does.

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