How can I make my dirt yard presentable cheaply to avoid losing my deposit?

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  • #110102 Reply

      We’re moving out of our rental and our dogs pretty much destroyed the yard. That and south Texas heat with no rain this summer. So our backyard is pretty much all dirt.

      Is there any frugal way to make it look pretty and presentable?

      I need my full deposit to be transferred to our new rental and don’t want to lose because of the yard

      #110103 Reply

        What exactly was destroyed? Grass, shrubs, holes dug, fencing chewed up?

        #110104 Reply

          What does your contact say about the yard. In my experience it needs to look the same way it did when you moved in.

          Perhaps your contact is different.

          #110105 Reply

            Would it have been all dirt from the weather if you didnt have dogs?

            #110106 Reply

              What do you mean by your dogs destroyed the yard? Like just pee spots, or did they make holes?

              #110107 Reply

                There is no reason to expect your deposit back even if you fix it. I always kept my places in excellent condition and hardly ever got a deposit back.

                It’s the owners discretion, so I never expected it.

                #110108 Reply

                  Won’t help you now but maybe next time. I own but my dogs don’t get the whole yard. I fenced a smaller part for them.

                  Not expensive to do either doesn’t have to be chain link.

                  it keeps them for tearing up my whole yard.

                  #110109 Reply

                    I’m of a mind to say if your Landlord knew you had dogs and how dry the weather was in your state he probably knows the yard might be worn out.

                    I would talk to him and see what he truly expects you to do in order to get your deposit back.

                    He’s already a great guy allowing pets

                    #110110 Reply

                      Did you pay a pet deposit or a monthly extra pet fee? That should be taken into account.

                      Just make sure the yard is clean and no poop.

                      #110111 Reply

                        Chances are that your landlord or whoever oversees the property has already seen the condition of the yard and made note of it.

                        Unless you have some good friends that you can call in favors and get some help with it, I’d say the cost of making it look nice will be more than the deposit refund.

                        However, if that is all where there is damage, if you fill in holes and rake it to prepare for some re-seeding maybe the landlord will be more willing to give a partial deposit back.

                        #110112 Reply

                          Read your lease. Sometimes keeping up the existing lawn/landscaping is specified as part of your responsibility as the tenant, sometimes not.

                          If it was specified then sorry, you should’ve kept up the yard if you wanted your deposit back

                          #110113 Reply

                            Get the work done. It may cost more than your deposit and is unfair to create a debt for the landlord.

                            #110114 Reply

                              You should not have let the dogs destroy the yard and you should have started thinking about fixing it before mid October.

                              #110115 Reply

                                When are you moving out?
                                As someone that redid the backyard prior to renting out a house to someone, saw the grass grow beautifully, and then saw the tenants dogs damage the grass significantly, I wouldn’t think it fair to compare the yard to your neighbors yard if they aren’t watering.

                                I also didnt redo the backyard while I lived there because I knew my dogs were more than likely going to not allow the grass to grow because of the running they do.

                                I specifically put yard maintenance in mine to ensure my hard work didnt go to waste so I would check what your lease says.

                                As everyone is suggesting, I would plow, rake, soil, and get some seed (try to make sure it’s the same grass type).

                                Sometimes people give away soil and sod I’m from dfw -North Texas and have been able to maintain my front yard (where I don’t allow my dogs) without huge water bills for years now.

                                Unfortunately our lovely pets cause more damage than we like to give them credit for.

                                #110116 Reply

                                  Now is a good time to plant grass seed. Plant it and water like crazy. A good cleaning can distract from damage, so wash outside windows, doors, and shutters. Clean the front porch and deck.

                                  Replace the front porch welcome mat. Rent a power washer and powerwash the house, porch, deck and any other hardscape.

                                  Get rid of any junk in the yard or on the porch or deck.

                                  Get rid of any junky looking porch or deck furniture.

                                  Is there any other landscaping (trees, bushes, plants, etc) or hardware like patio, landscaping stones, etc the dogs may have damaged?

                                  #110117 Reply

                                    Yes, order a dump truck of loam, rake it out, have it hydroseeded and then water it for weeks and weeks while reseeding every time it rains.

                                    Why is your landlord responsible for the 5k it might cost to repair your dog’s damage?

                                    #110118 Reply

                                      Fill in the holes, spread grass seed and top with hay, water it well, the hay will keep moisture in

                                      #110119 Reply

                                        When do you move by and why are you just now thinking of the yard issue? Yard should have been kept up all the time.

                                        It’s your responsibility to keep it looking the same as you moved in. What does your lease say?

                                        Yard upkeep is not cheap.

                                        #110120 Reply

                                          Depending on size of yard. Break up first add soil, spread grass seed and water daily. To do it right.

                                          Or just kiss the deposit goodbye.

                                          Keep dogs out of the yard until you are gone so the grass will grow.

                                          #110121 Reply

                                            To be honest your best bet is to fill in the wholes make it look as nice possible.

                                            I live in west Texas and been in a drought and have had water restrictions so hopefully the land owner is aware of the conditions and can understand that.

                                            #110122 Reply

                                              Start watering it now.
                                              See if anyone is giving away dirt on your local buy nothing groups or marketplace.

                                              Maybe you could at least even out the yard with it.

                                              #110123 Reply

                                                You also have to water to kerp a yard here and sorry.. renters are not going to do it. My south facing front yard turns to dirt every summer.

                                                When it rains you get all the weeds will sprout up and it will be green again.

                                                We are in a drought and watering a yard is frowned on.

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