How can I prevent buying rotten bananas from Aldi’s?

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  • #97941 Reply

      I don’t need 50 different ways to use bananas.

      I’m a Home Ec major and know of many different ways to use them.

      I need fresh ones for my daycare children to have fresh fruit.

      Had to tell my husband today that when he’s buying bananas (from Aldi’s) it’s OK to leave the bottom ones that are rotten from the bottom of the bunch.

      He does most of the shopping as I am handicapped.

      I had to throw away the first 4 bananas from the bottom of the bunch

      #97942 Reply

        You can put the bad ones in the freezer and save them until you decide to make banana bread

        #97943 Reply

          I agree. If something is sold by the pound it can be split. Just be respectful of where you put what you don’t want.

          A bunch of bananas is too much for us.

          I usually only buy 2-3. A bag of grapes is way to much.

          I only need 1 small bunch.

          I put the rest into other grape bags.

          My produce man thanked me for putting the extras in bags and not just laying in the bin.

          If items are sold by the bag and not the pound, do not take only what you want.

          It has been weighed and the price is by the what is in the bag. Like potatoes or a box of blueberries.

          I know I could do lots of things with the extra but I choose not to do that.

          How many frozen bananas does one need!?

          I save that for if I bought 3 and one is getting too ripe for me or something is close to spoiling or will not get used.

          #97944 Reply

            Our aldi has all the bananas bundled together in approximately 2# bundles and the price is for the bundle, so not only would taking 4 of them off be a pain, you’d still spend the same amount of money.

            #97945 Reply

              Waste not

              Want not

              Banana all the things






              Other things

              Half a banana is still nutrient rich and thickening but you won’t taste it in a batter

              When I make banana bread I use 5 blackened bananas
              Their flavor explodes as they slime out lol

              #97946 Reply

                Most produce from Aldi needs to be used in a day or two. (In my store).

                #97947 Reply

                  I just pop them in the freezer or make banana muffins/bread.
                  But I have kids who one day will eat all the bananas.

                  Then I buy more and suddenly no one likes them

                  #97948 Reply

                    Peel the too ripe ones and cut them into chunks. Toss one cut up banana into a sandwich size freezer bag and put a few into a bigger freezer bag and freeze them.

                    Use them for smoothies and banana bread. One bag equals one banana…

                    #97949 Reply

                      If the skins are dark, they are overripe and are ok for banana bread, byt yes, the store should be going through the stock and removing them.

                      #97950 Reply

                        Some stores intentionally leave some bananas go dark as some want that to make banana bread right away instead of having to wait for a ripe one to turn brown.

                        #97951 Reply

                          I have had to painfully walk my husband through the 50yrs we have been married the ins and outs of THE grocery store.

                          He has come home with moldy black carrots, tomatoes with wrinkled skin, dented cans and more through the years…

                          and those were the days at MAJOR grocery stores..

                          before I started shopping at Aldi.

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