How can I prevent skunks from climbing my backyard fence cheaply?

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  • #106641 Reply

      In my neighborhood, the skunk population has exploded. What is a frugal way to make sure a skunk doesn’t climb over my fence in the backyard?

      The last thing I want to deal with, is my dog being sprayed by a skunk

      I’m looking for effective yet inexpensive solutions to prevent this. I don’t want to harm the animals, just stop them from entering.

      Has anyone found success with low-cost methods or DIY solutions that have worked for keeping skunks out?

      I’m particularly interested in solutions that don’t require a complete fence overhaul.

      Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

      #106642 Reply

        My daughter put moth balls outside of her fence. Dog couldn’t reach them.

        They will break down in the rain and such so will need to be replaced every so often.

        I got them at the Dollar Tree, so at least they aren’t expensive.

        #106643 Reply

          Sounds gross but pee on the perimeter of your property if you can. Also dogs doing their business there. Keeps our resident skunks away from our fence. They just move on.

          Of course having a pine Martin living under our house probably helps too.

          #106644 Reply

            You’re sure they’re skunks and not people smoking weed?
            A while back I was on an elevator with two autistic friends who blurt whatever comes into their heads.

            The elevator stopped and someone got on.

            Joe: Oh my God! It’s a skunk.

            Mary: It’s ok. I know it’s just pot.

            Me: [Frantically pushing the button to get off at the next floor]

            #106645 Reply

              I don’t know about how to keep them away, but it would be a good idea to have large cans of tomato juice, Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on hand.

              Just in case your dog needs a bath after being skunked.

              #106646 Reply

                Our new nextdoor neighbor is smoking pot on patio that smells just like a skunk! Took me about a month to find out wasn’t a real one!

                #106647 Reply

                  If it is skunks, don’t keep any pet food out in the backyard and make sure your trash is secure inside your garage / not in a tipable can they can scavenge in.

                  #106648 Reply

                    A friend of mine had a skunk problem. Someone told her to put citrus peelings around her house. That’s been over 11 years and no skunks.

                    She does it about once a year

                    #106649 Reply

                      Spray fox urine at the base of things around the perimeter and make sure they have no food source to find or a hiding place. Fox urine can be found at hunting places like bass pro

                      #106650 Reply

                        When your dig gets sprayed mix baking soda, peroxide and a bit of dawn in a plastic bowl with a little water.

                        Sponge it on the dog. Rinse. Does magic with little fuss.

                        I keep extra baking soda and peroxide on hand.

                        #106651 Reply

                          Get a large jar of red pepper flakes and a large jar of cayenne pepper and sprinkle all around the fence line. That should keep them back away from your yard.

                          Just hope they don’t like Cajun.

                          #106652 Reply

                            I clap my hounds loudly for about a minute before I let my dogs out. I live on the edge of town and have a fenced in yard.

                            I feel like a fool – but yesterday morning I heard something rattle my chain link fence.

                            I also set up motion detection lights.

                            I don’t really like them – but at least I can see if my dogs take off after something and I can yell.

                            Usually makes them hesitate enough for whatever it is to get away.

                            I’m also reducing the number of shrub like plants they can hide around.

                            #106653 Reply

                              Don’t let your dog out in the middle of the night when you are half asleep when your dog is barking in a wilder way.

                              And if you forget and do it, don’t automatically let your dog back in when the dog is still barking wildly.

                              #106654 Reply

                                They aren’t really climbers. Worry more about them getting under a fence. They can dig or squeeze under.

                                You can bury fence wire down a few inches and that will stop them.

                                #106655 Reply

                                  Cayenne pepper and garlic spray. Also make your yard not skunk friendly by eliminating food, water, and shelter as much as possible.

                                  Treat the yard with nemotodes if you have ground grubs.

                                  Keep gardens confined. Not saying one May not pass through on occasion, especially if the area is overran.

                                  But they won’t want to hang out if the top 3 essentials aren’t available

                                  #106656 Reply

                                    I’ve been using a live trap. I’ve caught 7 as of this morning in the last couple of weeks. They just keep coming! I cover the cage with a dark sheet, strap the cage to the top of the car and head down the road to a creek across several streets.

                                    They have all looked different so I’m pretty sure they are different skunks.

                                    Only one has sprayed but not on us just when we threw the sheet over it.

                                    So far nothing has deterred them from coming to the yard, not lights, not dogs, nothing.

                                    We live in town and have four backyard chickens who are securely locked up at night along with their food.

                                    #106657 Reply

                                      We recently had one. I think it was living under our patio We turned on the flood light in our back yard and it fortunately left.

                                      We read online that they don’t like bright lights.

                                      Ours was motion sensor.

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