How can I quickly raise funds to pay bills due to an unexpected emergency?

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  • #100069 Reply

      When you’re trying your hardest to live each day as frugal as you can do but still got to that point of not being able to pay important bills on time because of unexpected family emergency

      Selling everything in the house that was no longer needed/using but still in good condition and posting it today on local barter/selling fb group to try to get enough funds to settle electric and house rent for this month.

      Also applying for a free health insurance program for the entire familu

      #100070 Reply

        This is life unfortunately. Everything is so expensive. Middle class is no longer middle class.

        #100071 Reply

          I remember sitting n the state aid office with my mom. Couldn’t draw unemployment because she was hurt…

          was turned down for both…

          he was working what little she could…

          I watched mom struggle, but it all workedout…

          be open with your debtors and pay a little something…

          going thru tough times makes us appreciate most everything a little more…

          be strong and persistent… sending hugs

          #100072 Reply

            Use your local food pantries. They want to help. Use the money you would use towards food to pay partial bills.

            I wish you the best

            #100073 Reply

              Everyone is struggling don’t be so hard on yourself. Easier said than done right.

              Glad you got everything figured out with the landlord and utilities.

              Enjoy your celebration!!

              #100074 Reply

                Energy assistance through your state? Fiscal year just started 07/01/24 so funds should be available.

                #100075 Reply

                  Great ideas, use up your pantry and when your back on track shop the sales to fill pantry back up.

                  I am using up everything in the freezer, will unplug it for afew weeks once it’s empty.

                  Both save $$ and use up the stuff at the bottom we forgot about.

                  Does your area have a good hamper program, a grocery store discount app for things ready to expire soon or clearance

                  your doing a great job, keep on keeping on.

                  Watch for market place free stuff that your family might need, half a bag of dog food, clothes and furniture.

                  Things you could repair and resell

                  #100076 Reply

                    If you cab donate plasma they will give you normally around 100 a donation for about 2 hours of time

                    #100077 Reply

                      Not so long ago I was selling plasma twice a week just to get by. Times are rough.

                      Hang in there.

                      #100078 Reply

                        Great ideas! I’ll encourage you to also look at your long term future goals.

                        Perhaps go back to school on line in the evening when the kids are sleeping.

                        Enhanced skills will provide you with job opportunities that will help you to support your family.

                        Best of luck

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