How can I reduce my electric bill in Texas when it’s usually $70-80 but now $100?

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  • #101334 Reply

      I’ve been living in Texas for a while, and my electric bill usually ranges between $70-80.

      However, recently, it’s spiked to around $100, even though I haven’t made any significant changes to my daily routines or energy consumption.

      I’m looking for practical advice or strategies to bring my electric bill back down.

      I don’t have gas so everything is electric.

      Are there any specific tips, tools, or services that have worked well for others in Texas?

      I’m particularly interested in any adjustments or habits that can be implemented without compromising comfort.

      Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

      #101335 Reply

        I’m at 300 in texas. How did you get it 100?

        #101336 Reply

          Our biggest savings was when we downsized our refrigerator. $40 a month.

          #101337 Reply

            Thermostat a few degrees higher. Summers are brutal out there, but that could help

            #101338 Reply

              Fans, black out curtains, make sure washer is full before using, dry clothes at night, avoid the oven as much as possible

              #101339 Reply

                Go outside more, close blinds to keep cool, unplug your computer,tv at night, keep lights off during the day

                #101340 Reply

                  I’m in lousisana. I put plastic on my windows, but they are old. Helps in the summer and winter.

                  #101341 Reply

                    I’m on flat bill where I pay the same monthly based on average…mines $317/mo.

                    You’re lucky

                    #101342 Reply

                      Have an energy audit. Free in some states. I have had free attic insulation as well as small stuff done in one of the states I have lived in.

                      #101343 Reply

                        I’m wondering what you keep your thermostat at. I’m in Texas as well, I keep my thermostat at 70 when home, 74 when I’m away.

                        My bill is roughly $150 a month.

                        #101344 Reply

                          My aunt uses cleaned out jugs to place in the sun. Heats about 8 of them for a quick bath, or add that to do dishes.

                          she only needs to turn her water heater on for smaller amounts of time.

                          #101345 Reply

                            Appliances that generate heat, like oven and dryer, use the most electricity.

                            #101346 Reply

                              I’m in Texas, have thermostat set at 80 and my bill is $380 !
                              Are you serious? $100?

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