How can I save money after a pool contractor scam left me in debt?

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  • #100150 Reply

      Sadly, I have recently gotten taken for a huge amount of money by a pool contractor that abandoned the job and left the state.

      Now I am faced with lawyer fees and a possible loan to finish up the pool.

      I don’t think any of the money with be recouped.

      I am in need of ideas to reduce and save.

      I’m a teacher who works lots of hours.

      This is what I’ve come up with:

      1. Tighten up my weekly food budget

      2. Rent out a room to traveling nurses

      3. Donate plasma

      4.Take on any extra work assignments at my school site

      5. Don’t buy things out of my pocket for the students

      6. Cut way back on Christmas gifts to my adult kids

      Not possible to take a side job. It would kill me at 61.

      Any other suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!!!

      #100151 Reply

        Worked at a plasma center. The general advice was try to not donate when expecting to get sick or on period because the plasma acts a buffer to help out.

        If you have never donated plasma, it requires the metal needle to stay in your arm throughout the process versus the plastic sheath from an IV.

        #100152 Reply

          A TV station in my area has a person that investigates cases such as you have described.

          He often gets good results.

          Do you have any resources like this nearby?

          It’s worth a shot.

          #100153 Reply

            I think you need the pool less than any of the ideas you are putting out to save money…

            Leave it as is and save up for pool work in future.

            Do not go in a lawsuit if you believe you won’t recoup any money from contractor.

            Cut your losses.

            #100154 Reply

              is there any redress such as contacting the state attorney’s office about the pool contractor?

              #100155 Reply

                Sorry you are going through this, but somethings you may consider are Rover, and renting a room via Airbnb or Vrbo.

                Btw what source do you use for renting out a room to traveling nurses?

                #100156 Reply

                  Id rent the room to a thoroughly screened traveling nurse. Then take up an extra assignment or 2 as you’re already working there.

                  Food is already tight but if there’s any loose ends and you can pull this off, every Penny counts!

                  The plasma thing will leave you exhausted for weeks!

                  Not worth it if you’re working full time and doing household chores.

                  You can be exhausted for weeks on end! Kids will always have needs and I couldn’t take away from them.

                  Maybe there’s an area or 2 you can skate passed,or ask the classes at whole to pitch in and cover.

                  Reducing Christmas gifts to the adult kids isn’t a bad idea either.

                  I wouldn’t completely cut them out. Can also think about a gift exchange where everyone draws names.

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