How can I save money on my trip from Texas to Georgia?

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  • #97170 Reply

      I’m going on a trip back home from Texas to Georgia at the end of the month. I’m pretty limited on what I can spend.

      What are some other ways I can save on stuff like food, gas, etc?

      A couple things I have are:
      – Chevron app to save $1 per gallon for the first three fill ups.
      – Points on apps to get stuff like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, etc.
      – Bringing snacks, water, soda with me to avoid gas station stuff.
      – Signing up for apps for free birthday stuff.

      Thank you in advance!

      #97171 Reply

        Bring a cooler with meals/snacks from items purchased at Aldi. We only buy one meal a day when we travel. We try to get hotels that have breakfasts. Sometimes we will make a lunch from that breakfast buffet, making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some apple and/or some fruit to go.

        #97172 Reply

          Get the GasBuddy app and plan your fill ups accordingly.

          #97173 Reply

            If you have a Kroger near you use their fuel point you can save up to a dollar a gallon depending on how much you spend and they have 4x fuel points on Fridays.

            Chime that banking app has cash back deals on gas and stuff where you can get up to 45 cents cash back per gallon.

            #97174 Reply

              For food items take a cooler and check for Aldi stores on your route. Just make sure to stay out of the AOS isle.

              #97175 Reply

                If you are staying in a hotel overnight, many hotels offer breakfast. Eat breakfast and grab some extras and maybe you can skip the next meal. Circle k has an app too. They’re in Florida and Georgia.

                #97176 Reply

                  Many newer cars will tell you the price of gas in the area. If not, you can look it up on your phone. You’d be surprised the differences between cities. Pack snacks and drinks. Use apps if you can to help save on meals at restaurants.

                  Avoid congested areas when possible. Stop and go traffic can kill your MPG, especially with a drive that far.

                  Pack a little preparedness kit with Tylenol, baby wipes, quarters in case you need air in an emergency, etc.

                  It’s not that far of a drive, but anything can happen between point A and point B.

                  #97177 Reply

                    Upside and Fetch for gas receipts. And any other food receipts for Fetch. Upside may have some local places participating with a certain % off for food.

                    #97178 Reply

                      My credit card was offering 5% cash back at gas stations last month when we traveled so I used it and paid back immediately on the app.

                      #97179 Reply

                        You can do the same promo that Chevron offers for their app for Texaco too. Though, I hardly see Texaco in AZ, so I’m not sure if there’s more/less between Texas and Georgia.

                        #97180 Reply

                          I would make sure to have emergency car coverage like AAA.

                          I ran over a transmission in New Mexico in 100 degree heat going to see family in Phoenix. Blew out 2 tires and had to be towed by flatbed 50 plus miles to Walmart for new tires.

                          Towing was totally covered as well as the overnight stay in a hotel since Walmart was closed.

                          You can also pick up a trip tik highlighting construction zones & alternate routes. AAA members get discounts for hotels and restaurants too! PS Be extra careful of posted construction zones.

                          Small towns love to put up construction signs even when nobody is working because speeding fines are doubled automatically! Never happened to us but I’ve heard horror stories! Real expensive mistake!

                          #97181 Reply

                            For a longer trip, I will stay in an Airbnb where I can do some like cooking and bring some things prepared with me as well as the cooler, coffee, etc.

                            #97182 Reply

                              If you can fly, I would frequently check flights and then car rentals. My husband and I have found so many great deals going about it this way.

                              Staying with family and borrowing one of their cars while in town. Flying out of big cities and relying on neighbors for drop off/pickup at airport.

                              I know not everyone has these options but just an idea in case it hasn’t been thought of yet.

                              #97183 Reply

                                Buy cheap stuff for microwave and use it at truck stops or convince stores things like burritos cheap TV dinners whatever will fill you up t like dinner at night snack in the car a long the way go to a buffet for dinner or a place like Denny’s waffle houses that are cheap and find places that has specials going on like chicken places have specials alot of the time or some convince stores have snack bags.

                                #97184 Reply

                                  We take a large cooler and buy meats and sliced cheeses, tomatoes and lettuce. Store it there to make sandwiches. Also take ketchup, mustard etc. Really saves a lot of money. We pre slice the tomatoes.

                                  Buy bottle water and bread.

                                  Take plastic silverware and chips, napkins and paper plates.

                                  #97185 Reply

                                    I always pack cooler with food for trip do not purchase on road. Have hummus and cut up veggies, crackers cheese and meat. Stuff for salads.

                                    I have heated container plugs into car that heats and keeps stuff hot so bring pre made dinners to put in and heat while driving.

                                    Also prepare sandwiches.

                                    #97186 Reply

                                      Check every gas station in your state and the state you’re traveling through most of them have an app you’ve already done a good job with that Chevron app. Instead of buying snacks at the gas station make a Segway over to Walmarts along the way. Don’t buy new clothes unless on super deep discount.

                                      #97187 Reply

                                        If you watch your grocery or Walgreens flyers. You can often get $10 or more off of $50 gift card. They have gas station gift cards. I like to buy those and use in addition to the cents off offered by the gas station rewards. Extra bonus if you have wags rewards or cvs cash to use to purchase.

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