How can I save more money on groceries and expenses as an 18-year-old college student working part-time?

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  • #101595 Reply

      Hi Everyone. I am a 18 year old, female, college student that currently lives alone.

      I work as a nurses aid at a hospital while attending school to complete my prerequisites for a nursing program.

      I am doing my best to budget my money but I don’t ever feel like I am saving enough.

      I do not pay rent but I am completely self sufficient besides that.

      I have calculated my ‘essential’ spending every month. Which includes my gas, pet prescriptions, my Hulu/ Spotify student subscription, I get hair done every 10 weeks and a wax.

      In total this is about 500 dollars every month. I make roughly 2000 dollars every month.

      I was getting assistance from the state with groceries but no longer anymore.

      I am looking for some advice on easy ways to save money where I can.

      I shop at both Costco and Winco to try and save money buying in bulk.

      I am not looking to try and cut out my beauty expenses since it is the only thing I do for myself.

      I have roughly 10,000 dollars in savings from when I was in high school mostly but I can’t seem to save more than 200 dollars a month in the past year and I feel like I definitely have the income to be saving more.

      Monthly Expenses:
      Gas- Roughly 200
      Hair/Wax- 100$
      Fitness- 75$ Pilates)
      Pet Perscription- 30$
      Hulu/ Spotify- 12$
      WiFi- 40$
      Dog Food- 60$ a month (3 bags)
      Currently my credit card balance is 823$
      I also put myself through school which is about 700 dollars a semester in tuition, 300 dollars in books/ supplies.

      Bi weekly paycheck roughly 1000$, I work 24 hours and 23$ an hour.

      Sometimes it is more if I pick up a shift and I occasionally babysit which brings in about 150$ a month.

      In the past I have worked full time during school, but this year my classes will be much more time consuming.

      I do not have the most present parental figures so any advice will be great appreciated especially regarding groceries since I feel like my food always goes bad before I can eat it.

      Or just some life advice!

      #101596 Reply

        And anyone one who saved like that in high’re gonna be just fine!

        #101597 Reply

          You’re going to love that first nurses paycheck. I was the same as you, barely making it.

          I remember being in nursing school and I had only an Apple to eat for two days!

          But I made it thru and graduated straight A’s.

          You’ll get that first paycheck and you’ll remember it forever.

          Retired after 34 years ICU. You totally will be ok. Keep it up

          #101598 Reply

            Also as far as waxing and beauty stuff- I’ve heard going to beauty schools and becoming a customer for them is both helpful to the students that are graduating in their licenses and also good for your pocket.

            Look into them in your area!

            #101599 Reply

              Don’t worry about saving money when you are in school. Just try to not go into debt.

              Once you are a nurse, you will be making a great salary in a career that is very much in demand.

              That’s when you start saving.

              #101600 Reply

                Maybe check out food banks in your area.

                #101601 Reply

                  You are doing amazing! Be so proud of yourself. Re groceries, if you have time, sit down and plan your meals for the week.

                  Make a shopping list from that plan and don’t buy anything else other than what is on that list.

                  Also… don’t buy anything more until that weekly food is gone. This helped me a lot with my grocery bill.

                  It might be hard at first but once you start doing it, it gets easier!

                  #101602 Reply

                    You are so much further ahead than so many other young adults your age.

                    You are doing wonderful.

                    I have a 17-year-old and a 19-year-old.

                    I think the biggest piece of advice that I could give you to try with your food situation would be to one utilize any food pantries.

                    We have visited many college campuses that actually have a food pantry on campus for students.

                    This could help you to save some money.

                    If you say that some of your food is going bad, try planning a little bit better by making yourself a menu for the week and you just have to stick to it.

                    If you’re planning a meal make double and freeze part of it or freeze it in portions for a different day.

                    A small investment into some glass containers that you can make your meals in and just stick them in the microwave or the oven to cook them faith can sue you time and money.

                    Try to only buy what you need to be able to survive.

                    Sometimes good bargains are not a bargain if you’re going to waste the product.

                    On your beauty supplies remember plastic tubes once they’re empty you can cut them open and usually get three or more uses out of them.

                    This includes toothpaste, soaps and lotions.

                    I personally find Costco to be pretty expensive compared to Walmart or Sam’s club.

                    You are really doing well for yourself.

                    I would pay off that $823 on your credit card to save you any interest that you might be paying unless that is something that you pay off every month.

                    With the amount of money that you have in savings you would be better off to find a savings account that is earning you a at least 5% interest rate.

                    Again sometimes colleges have people in their guidance office that can help you to figure out who it is that you need to talk to to do this kind of thing.

                    I know that American Express has a savings account that is 5% or higher.

                    I am very proud of you and I hope all the other adults in your life are proud of you for what you’re doing for yourself

                    #101603 Reply

                      You are in a better place than you think. I would avoid shopping at Costco.

                      If you have a Lidl or Aldi, their prices are good.

                      Most Americans have less than 2000 dollars on savings so you are doing well for 18.

                      Pat yourself on the back for that.

                      And 200 a month in savings is better than zero dollars per month. Overall, good job!

                      #101604 Reply

                        You have listed out $683/month in spending including $166/month for school tuition and books ($2000/12).

                        You need to figure out what you are doing with the remaining $1317/month.

                        Maybe try the envelope method where you put money aside for each category of spending.

                        You should definitely be able to save more than $200/month if that is a priority.

                        Per the internet a single person spends as much as $450/month for food.

                        That still leaves over $850/month that is available.

                        Let’s say you’re paying your credit card down at $200-$300/month? Still leaves $550 left over.

                        Write down exactly how you’re spending your money every month.

                        The details are there.

                        You just need to uncover where you’re spending and decide on your priorities.

                        You can do this!

                        #101605 Reply

                          1)If you have leftovers you won’t eat, throw them in a baggie or Tupperware and label.

                          Freeze. Then you have a meal for another day.

                          2)Plan ahead for the week of meals and try to use what you have before it goes bad.

                          3)I have to put a calendar on the fridge.

                          I write leftovers on the date.

                          Then I know what’s in the fridge and don’t miss something.

                          (I still forget about the lettuce salad though!)

                          4)You might look at beauty schools for your beauty needs?

                          I’ve had good luck with them.

                          5) There are local food banks, or churches that help.

                          You could even volunteer to help so you get food but work for it.

                          6)Use foods or freeze them.

                          If you buy a rotisserie for a meal, use the carcass to make soup.

                          Put a bag in the freezer and leftover veggies get put in there.

                          Soup fixings for later.

                          #101606 Reply

                            If you can get through school without loans and yet broke besides it is a WIN.

                            Now is not the time to save, you are investing in you.

                            Looks like you are making your expenses. GO YOU!!!

                            #101607 Reply

                              Girl you are amazing to be 18, in college, working and budgeting!!
                              I am very impressed and you should be SUPER proud of yourself!!

                              Keep your focus and you are going to go far in life!!

                              Also, you absolutely deserve to treat yourself to getting your hair done and a wax

                              Keep on rockin it

                              #101608 Reply

                                There is an app in my area called Too Good To Go. Restaurants/Grocery Stores sell off their leftovers at the end of the day For $5.00. Sometimes big enough for 2 meals.

                                Check it out.

                                #101609 Reply

                                  You might as well take some of your savings and pay off that cc card. Just get it out of the way.

                                  Use it occasionally so that they don’t close it but pay it off every month.

                                  #101610 Reply

                                    Are you looking for food budget/ideas? If you are eating out, stop. That is so much more costly.

                                    I recommend you cook things that can 1. be stretched and 2.

                                    Leftovers frozen.

                                    Tacos, spaghetti, Mac n cheese, slopoy jos, you get the idea.

                                    Freeze any leftovers then you can pull for a quicker meal on a busier day.

                                    You are doing great!! Good job!

                                    #101611 Reply

                                      The first thing I would suggest is coupon! For your household essentials and for food!

                                      Meal prep and making home made tv diners from the excess where you freeze it.

                                      This way you’re not eating the same thing every day of the week.

                                      I have two younger siblings about your age and I’m happy to share some of my knowledge.

                                      Along with fresh produce the best thing you can do is invest in nice storage containers mine are from Amazon that help with keeping them fresh.

                                      #101612 Reply

                                        Good for you! My daughter is 20 and saves like crazy. She has 20k saved.

                                        Congrats on learning how to save and budget this young! Coupons is a good way to save on groceries and essentials.

                                        My daughter also thrifts all her clothes.

                                        #101613 Reply

                                          First of all, you should feel good about yourself. You’re working really hard and you’re doing really well.

                                          As far as food is concerned, make a menu and then your grocery list off of that menu and stick with it.

                                          You won’t be throwing so much food away if that’s all you’ve got there to eat.

                                          put spending money in your budget also so that you’re not watching your money disappear with not knowing where it’s going.

                                          Everybody needs some spending money.

                                          Add one more dollar to your credit card payment every month.

                                          One dollar this month, two dollars next month, three dollars next month and so on.

                                          you’ll be surprised how quickly your balance goes down when you can’t afford to keep adding that dollar, start over.

                                          Plus, never use that charge card again unless it’s an absolute emergency.

                                          #101614 Reply

                                            Read (or listen to) I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. It has a good breakdown by percentage on how much you should be spending in each area of your life.

                                            Set up your savings so the money is automatically deposited into it monthly before you take out for fun stuff.

                                            #101615 Reply

                                              I’m going to be honest, paying your own way thru school without debt is the only thing you should be focusing on right now and you are doing great.

                                              The savings will come as you have the right mindset.

                                              Hopefully that $10k is earning interest.

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