How can I save on car insurance after paying off my car with two speeding tickets?

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  • #101721 Reply

      Hi I’m not new to being frugal or things like that, but I’m about 3 months away from having my first car paid off.

      payments were 466.18 a month. Is there anything I should do/know that involves saving on car insurance?

      I have two speeding tickets….

      one of them is 4 yrs old and the other is a year old.

      Our car insurance is crazy just for two cars through progressive.

      It doesn’t help that I wasn’t a safer driver when i was younger. Also, I have other debts I need to pay off as well.

      How do you all divvy up money to pay down extra on debt?

      I live in Indiana. I’d appreciate all the ideas.

      Thank you!

      #101722 Reply

        Start with the bills that have the highest interest rate

        #101723 Reply

          I’d take at least half of thatmoney and put it away for an emergency fund.

          I had ten thousand put away from taxes over the years and it WASNT enough.

          I had major things happen over and over again.

          And now second surgery in a year is getting planned.

          Makes sure you have a ton in emergencies fund and a ton in retirement.

          No matter your age.

          #101724 Reply

            Call Progressive and let them know you are considering switching companies.

            See if they can adjust your premium.

            And make some calls, shop around.

            Now, with the extra $409+ / month, save a portion, up to half,, for car repairs or replacing this car when needed.

            The rest can be used to pay down debts.

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