How can I sharpen cuticle nippers without buying special tools?

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  • #105466 Reply

      I am wondering how to get cuticle nippers sharp again. They are relatively new, but those things have to be sharp!

      Any suggestions I have googled require buying some sharpening tool that I suspect will need a “knack” I won’t have.

      Hate to keep buying new ones every year.

      #105467 Reply

        Google and see if there’s a tweezer sharpener in your area. I’ve got one in Colorado that will sharpen tweezers for $4 and cuticle nippers for $6-8 depending on the blade shape

        #105468 Reply

          Get some aluminium foil and fold it up.
          Cut it up with your cuticle scissors.

          I sharpen all my nail clippers and paper scissors like this.

          #105469 Reply

            Aluminum foil works on scissors, temporarily.

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