How can I stop overspending on online shopping, travel, and groceries?

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  • #98542 Reply

      Help me please, I can’t stop spending! Online shopping, travel packages, too many groceries, whatever.

      The more I make, the more I spend and I can’t get ahead that way.

      #98543 Reply

        The easiest way I have found. If you get a raise. Act like it does not exist.

        Immediately transfer the “extra” to a bank account that you MUST enter the bank to access. As far as the extra spending.

        I have no idea how to assist there.

        #98544 Reply

          Doing some work with a counselor may help if it is this much of a problem for you.

          It takes vigilance but you can overcome it.

          I ask myself all the time if my future self will be happier with the purchase or the money and space.

          Don’t just ask and answer, meditate on it, concentrate, put off the decision. No impulse buys.

          Get an accountability partner that will talk you through that not just a ‘yes man’

          #98545 Reply

            For online stuff, I make the order but I don’t send it for 30 days I even mark it on the calendar to make sure I wait 30 days I was absolutely amazed at how much never got ordered because while I didn’t want it

            #98546 Reply

              What worked for our family. We lived on my husband’s salary & banked mine.

              Maybe try to bank a certain percent and don’t use it.

              #98547 Reply

                You’re right, you can’t. But you’re acknowledging your behavior and that leads to change! Woo hoo! Dave Ramsey motivated me many years ago.

                Part of it really is just being a mature and disciplined adult who is able to tell themselves no.

                Embrace that mature mindset.

                Always budget to the penny and give yourself a (small) “allowance” for random purchases to satisfy the desire to purchase (I set 20.00 aside each week for fresh flowers for example.)

                Put money into high yield savings and get as passionate about saving as you do spending.

                Keep a gratitude journal and be satisfied with all you have.

                #98548 Reply

                  Make a budget but also have a saving goal. Once you start saving it becomes addictive particularly when your savings start earning interest & getting you money for free.

                  #98549 Reply

                    Get on a written budget
                    Paper envelopes if you must
                    Is your debt paid off

                    #98550 Reply

                      Another tip if you use Amazon, put your purchases in the cart and leave them there for a number of days.

                      Go back later and decide if they are a want or a need.

                      Also, get a book on money management and start reading a chapter at a time.

                      Baby steps.

                      #98551 Reply

                        Hey don’t look at me. I’m down at dollar general buying stuff I don’t particularly need but there it is,!! I’m 20 miles out from big shopping so the grocery store and the dollar general have to be my go to when I don’t feel like shopping.

                        I don’t order much online except for a certain brand of shoes.

                        #98552 Reply

                          I agree with Patrice. I was able to designate sums that I wanted direct deposited into Checking & Savings so I didn’t even have to think about it.

                          You can have the savings part at another bank, so you don’t have the ability to just transfer $$ willy nilly from savings to checking.

                          Compulsory spending is a temporary fix that makes you feel better.

                          Counseling may well help. The best of luck to you!

                          #98553 Reply

                            Will you spend it if you don’t have it in your account? Is it credit cards or cash?

                            What are the things that make it too easy and how can you make it hard to spend and easy to save?

                            #98554 Reply

                              Must be nice! If you have extra $ and you have all you need etc consider investing your $ or donating to a cause?

                              I can barely get by month to month and I’m retired!

                              #98555 Reply

                                Write out a monthly budget. Then you’ll see how much disposable income you have and how much discretionary income you have.

                                #98556 Reply

                                  Pay yourself first. That can be done by starting or increasing contributions to whatever savings plan you have.

                                  Payroll deduction means you never see the money.

                                  #98557 Reply

                                    Change all your online shopping passwords. Schedule electronic transfers to savings.

                                    Find a different hobby that is healthier than shopping.

                                    Be mindful of your belongings, do you use them? Enjoy what you have.

                                    Overspending is like extra caloric intake you do not need it.

                                    Keep a journal and discover what you can do instead of spending.

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