How can I verify if a rent-to-own home deal is legitimate?

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  • #104551 Reply

      When you see a home for rent to own or just for and it looks like an exceptional deal.

      Do your homework to make sure it is legit.

      I just worked with a lady she gave her deposit an lost it for she never saw that person again.

      It was a vacant home an owners were out of state.

      #104552 Reply

        I have never heard of a rent to own going well for the renting party.

        #104553 Reply

          While looking for a rental to move back to my home town, I found a CL listing for my dad’s best friend’s house, then realized all the pictures were taken from the windows

          (as in someone standing outside taking pictures of the inside!) – I called them, and they were absolutely not renting out their house!

          #104554 Reply

            Good advice! I was in property management for many years in California. Every so often we would have someone come in that had been taken by these scammers.

            We had a “pastor” from some “church” renting out our houses before we ever got a call.

            He would see in the paper or online what we had available and go sit at the house for when people came by.

            I don’t think he EVER got caught.

            #104555 Reply

              People will also take all the photos from a listing and then create their own listing for cheaper to “rent” it to people.

              #104556 Reply

                Google the tax property records for any home you’re thinking of renting.

                That will show the true owner of record and if they’re current on their tax payments.

                #104557 Reply

                  I know someone that made “payments” for several years only to find out the owner wasn’t making payments to the bank or the taxes.

                  She lost all her money she thought she paid towards the ownership.

                  #104558 Reply

                    So – if someone posts photos of your home ‘for rent’ or ‘for sale’, do you have to prove you were not involved?

                    Like pay a lawyer to make sure you do not have to return the deposit?

                    #104559 Reply

                      If someone claims to be the owner/landlord look up the county records and confirm it. Always public info

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