How can you save money during the holidays while keeping traditions?

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  • #101301 Reply

      How do you save money during the holidays? What are your favourite holiday traditions that are still budget friendly?

      One of my son’s favourite things from Christmas last year was breaking through the door that was wrapped in wrapping paper.

      I know it’s months away but I find I like to plan well in advance.

      #101302 Reply

        I started
        Shopping in February. One thing a month for each girl. Their favorite since childhood is the Christmas Eve pajamas.

        I have been told I cannot quit that tradition.

        They are 30 and 31 years old

        #101303 Reply

          We always go Christmas light looking. There’s a waterfront park that always does it up and it’s free!

          We do stocking stuffers and just one big present so it’s not adding to credit card debt.

          I also like to have at least one family movie night where we watch Christmas movies.

          #101304 Reply

            While admittedly I was never smart enough to follow this; I love this mantra.

            Something they want ( not a car, unless you already can afford it), something they need, something to wear, something to read.

            I still have grands to spoil but useful gifts are my go to.

            And for me, I just want to break bread with those I love.

            While appreciated, I don’t need gifts.

            #101305 Reply

              Driving around and looking at Christmas lights. There are a bunch of homes nearby that really do a great job of decorating.

              #101306 Reply

                Gingerbread houses made with graham crackers. The candy is cheap, the GC aren’t crazy expensive.

                Icing (for glue) made from scratch is economical.

                It’s a great family activity and a lot of bang for your buck.

                #101307 Reply

                  Lower your gift list. Family type gifts instead of individual ones and maybe do an exchange with a group

                  #101308 Reply

                    I do Christmas shopping year round to find things on clearance and spread out the financial burden.

                    In my family we have also normalized giving second hand gifts and food items as gifts.

                    Look on Facebook for free community events.

                    We were able to see Santa and lots of Christmas decorations for free.

                    #101309 Reply

                      Our gifts from Santa are always wrapped in red and white striped paper. We also get our kids a calendar of something they are interested in.

                      #101312 Reply

                        Honestly I used to find great joy in spoiling my grand kids. They have so much stuff that they haven’t even used.

                        Now one small gift and making memories the rest of the year. Don’t buy much for the kids or hubby.

                        Totally stopped buying for extended family members.

                        Especially when they couldn’t be bothered to say thank you or even acknowledge the gift.

                        Really grinds my gears. It’s so rude. So I just stopped.

                        If they ever mention it, I’ll just tell them since I never heard anything, I figured they didn’t like it.

                        #101313 Reply

                          Drive around and look at lights. If you are attending or picking up in the evening drive different routes to look at lights.

                          Cookie decorating

                          Attend church service or pagent

                          School choir performances.

                          Check Library for free events

                          Make snowflakes and ornaments

                          #101314 Reply

                            Traditions we love – traveling to visit family, going on a light tour in a rich neighborhood, visiting local festivals that are holiday themed, cooking a big meal, baking and decorating cookies together, giving people books instead of other kinds of presents

                            #101315 Reply

                              For family members especially older ones like grandparents or people who lives away from you make a calendar with pics of the family.

                              Each month you can put a pic of the grandchildren or other family members..

                              You can watch the online photo sites and do it when they offer special deal.

                              My daughter does this every year and we enjoy it the whole year.

                              This is my favorite Christmas gift.

                              You can save them and have a nice selection of photos.

                              We have made one for a relative who lives over sea and she loves looking at the family members she don’t get to see in person often.

                              #101316 Reply

                                I don’t and have learned to be grateful that I have a family I love to make a special meal for and gifts to get my precious grandchildren.

                                Plan on saving for this as soon as January rolls in.

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