How did you land a $14/hr part-time gig at a laundromat?

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  • #103142 Reply

      I have not been working the last 6 months. Been living the dream and world traveling.

      Been doing some side gigs here and there for gas money.

      One of my gigs today was taking a client’s laundry to laundromat.

      I’ve done it for her about 4 times now.

      While there, I started chatting with the guy who was cleaning out the quarters from the machines.

      We started chatting and now I got a part time gig as a fill in!

      OMG…. I”m so GRATEFUL for this. $14/hour to boot. 4 -8 hour a week.

      Getting paid to watch Netflix! haha! It’s only 2 miles from home.

      I ride my bike past the place all the time!

      #103143 Reply

        We europeans don’t get this …each house has washing machine and most of them drying one as well…

        it was one of the first things we bought with my wife when we start living together …

        it was around 1000€ but both machines will live around 10 years …

        #103144 Reply

          Congrats! I’m going on 5 months of not working and traveling but alas I return to work next month in another country.

          Enjoy that Netflix!

          #103145 Reply

            I don’t think your strategy sounds like F.I.R.E.

            #103146 Reply

              so, you are doing this because you are already FIRE and happy to get some no pressure gig?

              or you saying you have these no-pressure gig without having enough money for FIRE, but you are equally happy?

              #103147 Reply

                Love this for you!! Opportunities pop up when you least expect it!
                I’m going on 8 months without regular employment, but have spent 3 months in Thailand and currently sitting at SLC Airport, flying to Japan for 3 months…

                petsitting around the world.

                When I’m home (SF area) side gigs fuel the next trip.

                FIRE, I think, is finding a way to fund a life that brings you joy.

                And money doesn’t always equate to joy.

                #103148 Reply

                  There are so many side gigs available. People just don’t know about them. I have about 7 little side gigs.

                  People always wonder how I can travel so much.

                  It’s because of my side gig money bringing in travel funds.

                  I do not watch TV.

                  #103149 Reply

                    I guess “living the dream” is defined vastly different for everyone. Sounds like you’re happy with this and enjoying what you’re doing.

                    #103150 Reply

                      Lift the baskets for customers and you’ve got your workout, too. No gym needed.

                      #103151 Reply

                        Those machines still use quarters, and not pay by credit/debit/stored-value card?

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