How do I buy the S&P 500 with Vanguard as a first-time investor?

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  • #100901 Reply

      Hi! I opened a vanguard account and I’m hoping to buy the dip! First time buying into the market.

      My question is how do you buy S&P 500 with vanguard?

      Is it different with each brokerage?

      Like a different symbol? I can’t find it

      #100902 Reply

        Just to clarify, it’s true, you won’t see the s&p 500 listed specifically.

        You will see a mutual fund or etf that tracks the s&p500.

        Each of the discount brokerage houses have funds like this.

        #100903 Reply

          If you specifically want S&P500, then buy VOO. If you want a total stock market index, then VTI.

          #100904 Reply

            Just invest in the s and p. Don’t worry about or pay attention to a so called “dip”.

            It should have zero bearing on ur investment strategy…

            buy early, buy often, always be buying

            #100905 Reply

              Buy VOO…it only contains the s&p500.
              A better buy is VTSAX (the mutual fund) or VTI (the etf form of the same fund) which gives you exposure to 4200 stocks.

              #100906 Reply

                I want to reiterate ignoring the whole “buy the dip” part and just invest.

                The S&P is down, but only to what it was 3 months ago.

                Is there a reason you didn’t buy then?

                It could just as likely drop another 10 or 20% the day after you put your money in.

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