How do we manage retirement accounts after switching jobs with FI in mind?

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  • #101567 Reply

      I need a “retirement for dummies” article/podcast for how to manage a retirement account after switching jobs.

      Husband and I both moved states and need to decide how to best manage our accounts from previous employers.

      I’ve read some general articles but need some deeper understanding of how to do this with FI in mind.

      We have some taxable accounts with Vanguard so that might be where we’d move it, though I’ve seen some posts recently about changes with Vanguard and retirement that aren’t positive.

      Any suggestions appreciated!

      #101568 Reply

        If you care about taking advantage of the rule of 55 or backdoor Roth IRA contributions, then you probably want to avoid IRA rollovers.

        Look up the pro rata rule.

        #101569 Reply

          I rolled mine over to an IRA instead of into my new job’s plan and now I’m glad I did.

          I may end up using the old one before 59.5 with Rule 72t. It’s a little complicated but a good way to access retirement funds without penalty before 59.5.

          #101570 Reply

            It really doesn’t matter too much which custodian you use as any of the big 3 houses – vanguard/Schwab/Fidelity – will let you buy almost every ETF on the planet.

            There are some pros/cons to all 3 I think and many posts in the group.

            The tl:dr version seems that the consensus is Fidelity then buy low cost Vanguard ETF there because of better service (especially vs Vanguard) and easier cash management (vs Schwab).

            #101571 Reply

              It’s simple. Either do rollovers to an IRA or roll them to your current employers.

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