How do you balance saving money while enjoying RV life?

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  • #106276 Reply

      “Do you own an RV or motorhome? If so, how do you manage to balance saving money while still enjoying the lifestyle it offers?

      Whether it’s tips on cutting down on travel costs, finding affordable campsites, maintaining the vehicle on a budget, or simply making the most of your time on the road without overspending, I would love to hear your experiences.

      How do you prioritize between saving and splurging to maintain an enjoyable yet affordable RV lifestyle?

      Please share any advice or strategies that have worked for you!”

      #106277 Reply

        We have a camper. Bought it a few years ago & loving it. We can take our dogs with us, we make all of our meals at the camp site, & generally stay at state campgrounds.

        It’s certainly cheap to stay at state campgrounds in comparison to a private one.

        In Ohio we pay $29 a night. Not bad! We call our camper our vacation home

        #106278 Reply

          1. I don’t have to sleep in a hotel. That’s peace of mind.
          2. I can fix meals in it instead of buying out.

          3. If I want to I can sleep in a parking lot like some Walmarts or sporting good stores.

          4. It’s an adventure.

          #106279 Reply

            We’ve been full time RVers for 6 years. Both quit good paying jobs to live this lifestyle and travel. We’ve been all over the country, seen amazing sights, met the best people…all on 1/3 of what we made before.

            And no, we weren’t debt free when we started (financed our RV) but we live simply and love it.

            #106280 Reply

              We stay in Forest Service campgrounds here in Washington State, the cost averages $20 a night where we camp. We are seniors and get half price.

              We are in our 60’s and still enjoying camping in our 1999 motorhome.

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