How do you fix a lotion pump that won’t pump?

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  • #85370 Reply

      There is a lot of lotion inside this pump (AVEENO, Daily Moisturizing) that won’t get out, any ideas how to get it out?


      #85371 Reply

        Cut the container open with a knife or scissors. Scrape the lotion into a little storage container with a lid.

        There’s probably enough for another week or more!

        #85372 Reply

          You can cut the bottle or use one of these.

          When I worked at a restaurant, we used these to get the last drop out of ketchup bottles. Just leave it over night.


          #85373 Reply

            Flip Its on Amazon. Allows bottles to stand upright on a tripod type stand and has various size lids to attach to varying size bottles.

            #85374 Reply

              I keep the bottle tipped upside down in a small container and then use the lotion from the container.

              #85375 Reply

                The next time you’re done with liquid dish soap, save the cap and put it on your lotion bottle. Then store the bottle upside down. Ta-da!

                #85376 Reply

                  Cut the spout off the pump and wipe exterior of the end of the straw and then BLOW out the lotion trapped in the long vessel part onto something. You can try to could blow out the lotion in the spout part as well.

                  #85377 Reply

                    I switch the pump out with a squeeze type cap and store it upside down in a tall glass. Works great!

                    #85380 Reply

                      Like Shirley said, but first I usually close the lid, turn the bottle upside-down and jerk/shake it as hard as I can to get the bulk of what’s left to go down toward the lid.

                      Then ‘store’ it on the counter upside down in a glass, because of the pump, and use it until I can’t get anymore out (and this also gives me time to buy a new bottle).

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