How do you freeze diced or sliced potatoes for best results?

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  • #105187 Reply

      Has anyone frozen diced or sliced potatoes before? No matter how I store them my fresh potatoes always go bad, so I often use frozen diced potatoes from the store for soups, etc.

      Thought I’d try to freeze some myself since a bag of potatoes is cheaper.

      Online sites say to parboil, and freeze flat before putting in a bag so they don’t stick together.

      Any other tips for the newbie? Going to try both slices and diced.

      Should I try french fry style? Or ideas about skin on or off?

      I don’t want to throw a whole bag out because I was dumb

      #105188 Reply

        I have frozen them cut into fries and cube, rinse well, dry thoroughly, freeze flat on parchment lined pan so they’re all separate, then put in sealed bags or containers.

        #105189 Reply

          They need to be blanched or cooked a bit first. I’ve made fries before by airfrying them a bit, put on a baking sheet with wax or parchment paper to freeze.

          Then putting in a freezer bag and back in the freezer.

          #105190 Reply

            I think I did the blanching process wrong last time (which was my first time) I need to try again.

            Do you blanch the whole potato or do you you cut them first?

            #105191 Reply

              I use to have potatoes go bad quite quickly. I now examine the bag before purchasing for any bad looking ones and pass on that one.

              Once I do bring them home I open them and put them in a paper towel lined open, small storage bin.

              The paper towels absorb the moisture that potatoes let off. I have had them last 4-6 weeks like this.

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