How do you manage your home efficiently as a single mom? Any tips?

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  • #96894 Reply

      I’m 43 and I’m learning how to be a homemaker. I really have trouble managing my home as a single mom. I am frugal in many ways. I cook from scratch, make my own laundry detergent, keep my grocery budget low. What ways do you manage your home without feeling overwhelmed? Do you have a daily cleaning schedule? Do you plan everything and have a life? lol

      Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

      #96895 Reply

        I’ve learned to make friends with the dust bunnies. Toss perfection out the window. Most people’s homes are not magazine worthy. Don’t expect it from yourself. Good enough really is good enough.

        #96896 Reply

          Enjoy your kids. You can clean your house when they move out (which comes sooo fast). Just do enough to keep the house healthy for you and the kids -don’t seek perfection.

          #96897 Reply

            Here are some things that make my life easier: I only cook three days a week and make enough for lunches, left overs or to repurpose as a new meal. I do one load laundry every day, including putting it away.

            I wipe down my bathrooms every morning after everyone gets ready.

            I set aside a half hour almost every day to do one task such as dusting, vacuuming, or changing sheets.

            Proposed: New Single mom trying to take care of her face – Pass me your frugal tips please?

            #96898 Reply

              I have a friend that always does laundry on Tuesday. I just do it when the hamper gets full. I think staying flexible for what you need vs what should be.

              #96899 Reply

                Break the task down and delegate giving kids task give them life skills.

                #96900 Reply

                  I did a chore jar with my boys. They loved it!

                  I had the chores written in the jar on a sheet of paper folded up. They would put their hand in the jar to see what chore they were going to do. They would do about 3 a day each. They are all grown now and they still talk about the chore jar. It was like a surprise each day.

                  I hope this helps.

                  #96901 Reply

                    I can tell you how I live my life. Take away what you want. I only have things I use. I’m single live alone. I use bar soap I don’t buy liquid soap or shaving cream, or body wash. Bar soap is cheaper in bulk at Sams club. No dryer sheets, no loofas wash cloth instead. No paper towels or paper products. I buy trash bags, detergent, vitamins, etc in bulk.

                    I use cheap wash cloths that come in bulk packages from Walmart for messes. For laundry I do it once a month. My dresses are dry cleaned, I have 30 pair of underwear/bras. I use one towel/wash cloth per week. So, my laundry on the first of every month is not much.

                    I cook all my work meals on Sunday’s. I clean my home ONLY on Sunday’s and do the dishes so when I come home during the week at 9pm from work my kitchen is cleaned and my house all so all I have to do is workout and enjoy a good tv show and go to bed.

                    I use Walmart grocery delivery on Sunday’s so while I’m cleaning my house my groceries are delivered to my door and all I have to do is put it away.

                    For cat food/litter I use chewy it’s delivered to my door.

                    The best way for what you asked for is to get rid of things you don’t need.

                    The more stuff equals more clutter.

                    And buying things in bulk means less trips to the store and having things delivered to your house like groceries or pet supplies saves time as well.

                    Useful: Can a single mom feed 4 on $500 a month for groceries? Budget tips needed!

                    #96902 Reply

                      My teacher friend and I both used the Flylady rules as a general guide line. Biggest points: Don’t go to bed with dishes in the sink–especially with food encrusted dishes. Monitor your “hot spots” for clutter. Clean the bathrooms religiously once a week or more if needed. Clean as you go while cooking.

                      #96903 Reply

                        I am also a single mom in her 40s and try to be frugal but my attention deficit disorder tends to slap me in the face when I start being frugal. Even on meds for it and I start things just to get bored and forget about it.

                        #96904 Reply

                          Feeling overwhelmed is part of being a parent. Try to relax by taking daily time for yourself. 1/2 an hour would be a minimum amount. Tell yourself you are doing the best you can and that’s all anyone can do. You got this!

                          #96905 Reply

                            I am currently trying to get my kids to tidy up from the day before they go to bed. That has helped. When vacuuming, we all play hoover (old UK brand) monster where they have cleared everything off the floor and I chase them round with the vacuum.

                            I am awful at meal planning but when I manage it, it helps with the over whelm.

                            With laundry I do it when the electricity it cheaper, so at weekends.

                            I also go for the take me as you find me approach to life which means my house will be (very) lived in when you visit.

                            #96906 Reply

                              I think one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your kids is to involve them in maintaining the house. It teaches them valuable life skills and there is nothing wrong with them having responsibilities to participate in the upkeep of the family home.

                              #96907 Reply

                                Accept that just feeding (dishes, cooking, shopping) and clean bodies (bathing kids and mom and laundry) is a full time job.

                                Just keeping up on the basics is a full. time. job.

                                Try not to get discouraged because projects and deep cleaning have to wait. I did light housekeeping/family assistant and home organization work for years. I am a motivated, efficiency expert. And when I had my *one* child I remember staring at the simplest projects for months cause I just couldn’t get them done AND keep up on everything else.

                                #96908 Reply

                                  I’d say find your level of minimalism, less toys, less knick knacks to clean, less stuff, makes a world of difference, once you’ve done that, everything should have a home, it’s easier to manage, and get the kids to help, not sure of their age but whatever they can do for their age, it also teaches them good habits for when they are in your position.

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