How has your experience from being poor shaped your current success?

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  • #100508 Reply

      I became rich recently.

      I bought a struggling HVAC business about 3 years ago and have turned it around.

      Knowing what it’s like to be poor makes everything about my new lifestyle so much sweeter and I am truly grateful if not humbled.

      It is so bad ass to look at menu at decent restaurant and pick something to eat without looking at the price.

      Small stuff like not worrying about your car breaking down or budgeting for general living costs and healthcare is bad ass too.

      For context, started my first job after leaving the military making 14/hr at 24.

      Maxed what I could make in my field as a W2 employee at around 85k at 30.

      Now at 34 my business is profiting around 2M a year and it will most likely increase over the coming years.

      #100509 Reply

        Fantastic! I have a 21 year old interested to get into this field but is a little lost.

        Should he look into a course at a community college or find a place to apprenticeship?

        Any advice you can give a young person wanting to go into this field would be so appreciated.

        #100510 Reply

          Congrats! What do you think was the key or keys to turning the business around?

          #100511 Reply

            I see a number of people asking advice for getting into HVAC for their sons.

            Makes me so curious if there are any women in the field and how female friendly or not it may be to work in HVAC

            #100512 Reply

              Get yourself a good accountant! Work on putting the most you can away for retirement now so it grows.

              I have large contractor clients…if you’re making $2m net income you’re doing very well! Congrats!

              #100513 Reply

                I feel this! 15 years ago I was without electricity for over 6 months with a baby in winter.

                I promised myself I would never be there again and I have done nothing but exceed my expectations since.

                Not making millions but can look away at the gas pump without worry.

                It’s always crazy to me to think how my life has changed.

                #100514 Reply

                  YESSSS! The real flex is the gratitude from celebrating where you came from.

                  Fellow vet here, and I’m still thankful for a hot shower and to drink coffee other than the gasoline they give out at the DFAC.

                  Way to go

                  #100515 Reply

                    People that say money doesn’t contribute to happiness haven’t been that poor, imo.

                    Enjoy your success!

                    #100516 Reply

                      I’ve shared with my 15 year old as he is leaning more towards the trades (like his dad) than college.

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