How long can I keep living off my garden, fridge, and pantry?

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  • #104492 Reply

      Hello. This month, I have made two purchases for groceries. One was cases of soda for the garbage men, delivery drivers, and my postal delivery people (I haven’t drank any), and the other was for two cartons of flaxseed milk for my cereal.

      I’ve been eating from the garden, the fridge/freezer, and the cabinets.

      My husband is out of town working on our property so it’s a lot easier without him here.

      I’m wondering how much longer I can keep this up? I’ve a lot of canned things like beans and soup.

      Has anyone ever done this before?

      #104493 Reply

        In the process now…We, most likely, have enough food for the two of us for many months…

        Other than items that spoil we are buying nothing.

        Our freezer is full of any meat you can think of, as well as a well stocked pantry from our garden…

        maybe 150 jars of preserved food.

        #104494 Reply

          Nice to give cold drinks to service people. Maybe not necessary for frugal goals, kind & thoughtful and there’s never enough kindness. Kudos.

          #104495 Reply

            There is actually a movement on you tube called “No Spend Challenge” for January and February where you eat exclusively from your pantry.

            The person who started it is Three Rivers Homestead Jessica is her name..

            Unfortunately I have failed each time but it’s fun to try and read how long other people went and what they ate or supplemented for what they needed.

            Tomorrow is Week 2 for me of not grocery shopping.

            #104496 Reply

              2-3 times a year I stop buying groceries for a few weeks to a month and eat what is in fridge/freezer/pantry Usually June / July is my big no spend clear out freezers because I live in Florida and we want freezers (2) empty during hurricane season

              (except we fill with soda bottles filled with water and frozen) Then I do a mini one for first couple weeks of November to empty room to be able to get turkey/ ham/ prime rib that are on sale for holidays

              #104497 Reply

                You can do it. Bake a cake from scratch for dessert. Always know that your hunger is satisfied.

                If you feel the need to go to a restaurant or fast food place eat at home and then go enjoy a dessert there.

                #104498 Reply

                  We buy meats from local farmers in bulk. I can veggies, broths, fruits, etc.

                  Make homemade bake goods.

                  Don’t have to buy much at stores anymore.

                  I’m also lucky to have an amish store a mile away and their produce stands.

                  #104499 Reply

                    As a former FedEx employee, water is a better idea than soda to rehydrate. Even frozen water bottles are good.

                    I used to apply them to the back of the neck. Cools your core.

                    Water is cheaper & yes it is appreciated.

                    That van can easily be 140 degrees even with the AC running.

                    #104500 Reply

                      I need to do this. I look at the store ads each week and seem to think I can’t pass up the deals.

                      #104501 Reply

                        I did it regularly while I was solo. It’s more difficult now that I’m married but I try to eat through my freezers a couple of times a year.

                        Just take inventory and meal plan until you’ve used it all up.

                        It’s crucial to rotate your freezer stock to maintain great quality.

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