How long can you safely eat eggs past their “Best By” date?

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  • #107630 Reply

      I’m truly almost ashamed of asking this but how long can you realistically consume eggs past their “Best Buy” date?

      I have a brand new pack of eggs that were in the back of my fridge that I forgot about and they’re organic brown cage free eggs. They weren’t cheap!

      It says “Best Buy May 15, 2024” and they look so pretty .
      Rest of my household is like “chunk it” but I feel so awful and the idea of these going to waste makes me feel guilty.

      Chime in!

      #107631 Reply

        Float test. If they sink, good, eat soon or at least hardboil right away. If they float, toss.

        Not worth getting sick.

        #107632 Reply

          I do the float test. If it sinks I eat it, if it floats I chuck it.

          #107633 Reply

            Break them if they dont smell are still good.
            I keep them a long time they stay ok.

            #107634 Reply

              I’ve been eating eggs 4 to 6 months past their sell by date since COVID.
              Crack and smell.

              We’ve ate hundreds of eggs and maybe only had less than 5 actually be bad.

              Currently eating eggs that we purchased back in June.

              #107635 Reply

                Crack them open in a separate bowl before adding them to something.

                #107636 Reply

                  Simple math, if the eggs were more expensive than a potential doctors visit, keep them. I think you already know the answer.

                  Even for unrefrigderated eggs that’s too long to keep them, let alone refrigerated ones. Chuck them and move on.

                  #107637 Reply

                    Eggs can last like 6 months past their date- I’ve eaten them 5, 6 months past their date before. As everyone else has said, the float test won’t fail you.

                    #107638 Reply

                      Float test! Drop them in a cup of water, if they float they’ve gone bad, if they sink they are safe to eat!

                      I never look at the dates!!

                      #107639 Reply

                        Crack them into a small bowl separately, one at a time. You will know if they are bad or not as soon as you break the shell.

                        I go way past use by dates for eggs but that is too long for me.

                        They were old when they got to the store.

                        #107641 Reply

                          As eggs age, they start to dehydrate a little bit inside and the air pocket gets bigger. And then sometimes they’ll float if you put them in water, but this doesn’t always mean they’re spoiled.

                          Best advice is if the shell isn’t cracked, break them into a bowl so you can see that they’re not spoiled.

                          If they look wrong or smell wrong, toss them.

                          If they look okay and smell okay, cook them thoroughly and enjoy.

                          #107642 Reply

                            Definitely months. Your nose is an excellent detector, if they smell of nothing, they’re fine.

                            #107643 Reply

                              Eggs can last a long time, grocery store eggs are iffy.
                              honestly just crack them individually in a bowl before you decide to eat – if they are bad you will 1000000% smell it!

                              #107644 Reply

                                The float test only lets you know of the egg has lost some of its fluid…sorta like evaporating. I would make sure you crack them open into a separate bowl (don’t put them directly into a cake mix or recipe) and if they smell and look ok, you should be fine to add them to the recipe or frying pan.

                                With that said, if you have any doubts at all, you should throw them out. It isn’t worth $10 to worry about making yourself or anyone else sick.

                                Just because some of us might feel comfortable using eggs past their expiration doesn’t mean you should do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

                                #107645 Reply

                                  Nope, not 4 months after the bbd. Potentially getting food poisoning for what, less than $10? Absolutely not worth it!

                                  #107646 Reply

                                    fill a jug with cold water. gently drop them one at a time in to the water. if they float they are bad if they hit the bottom and bounce they are fresh and I’d they are half way up id make a cake with them but I’d not scramble them.

                                    #107647 Reply

                                      Months. I store my eggs on the counter year round and we eat them until gone. I never look at the date

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