How much did you pay for your estate planning documents?

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  • #98154 Reply

      I’m curious about the cost of estate planning documents such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and other related legal paperwork.

      For those of you who have recently gone through this process, could you share how much you paid for these services?

      It would be helpful to know whether you used a lawyer, an online service, or a DIY method, as well as the complexity of your estate.

      Your insights will be valuable for anyone looking to understand the typical expenses involved in estate planning. Thank you!

      #98155 Reply

        I paid something like $900 for an uncomplicated trust and all the standard documents.

        In Oregon.

        When I called around locally, the prices were $700-5,000

        #98156 Reply

          If you have an option to enroll in a prepaid legal plan through your employer during open enrollment, I’ve heard that is a cost effective way to get estate planning documents done.

          Your profile says you work at an estate attorney so shouldn’t you have an idea of the cost?

          #98157 Reply

            $1350 Raleigh North Carolina suburbs. It was pretty cut and paste though for the lawyer.

            Lawyers in Raleigh proper were averaging $2500.

            Suggest maybe looking out into the suburbs if you’re in a city area.

            Also ask in your local moms groups and see if anyone has any good recs.

            I did these 4: will, living will, financial POA, medical POA

            #98158 Reply

              Metlife legal is sometimes included of you have supplemental life insurance through employer or you opt in to a legal plan at open enrollment time if it is offered.

              Definitely an option to look into that could be cost effective.

              I also hear legal zoom of something similar is cost effective if you’re looking for something pretty basic.

              #98159 Reply

                My will, trust, medical POA, etc were all done for free as part of prepaid legal.

                #98160 Reply

                  This is highly location dependent. What state are we talking about?

                  #98161 Reply

                    We did prepaid legal through my wife’s work. It was maybe $10 per month for 1 year

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