How much has your home appreciated in the last 10 to 30 years?

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  • #107835 Reply

      How much has your primary home appreciated over the last 10 to 30 years?

      In Wisconsin, over the last 20 years…about 5% annually. You?
      Edit: Since most are listing their total appreciation here.

      Ours is 102% in 20 years.

      I’m reaching out to gather insights from homeowners about the value of their properties over the past few decades.

      Specifically, I would love to know how much your home has appreciated in value in the last 10 to 30 years.

      Understanding the trends in home appreciation can provide valuable context for current and prospective homeowners, as well as real estate enthusiasts.

      What factors do you think have contributed to your home’s appreciation?

      Have there been any significant renovations or changes in the neighborhood that influenced its value?

      What advice would you give to someone looking to buy or sell a home today based on your experience?

      Please share your thoughts and experiences! Your feedback will help create a clearer picture of the housing market and its evolution over time.

      Thank you for contributing to this discussion!

      #107836 Reply

        The main problem with this kind of calculation is that in order to really evaluate it, you would have to subtract all of the carrying costs, including property taxes, insurance and repairs.

        When you do that, most long-term returns on residences are fairly mediocre and the only real boost is due to the leverage involved.

        So whatever your gain is on paper, it is NOT comparable to an investment with little or no carrying costs.

        #107837 Reply

          Ours doubled in a 6 year span and we sold it. We now live in an RV lol
          I don’t think the recent run up in home prices is normal and I wouldn’t count on it moving forward.

          I don’t think home prices will fall but they will probably go back to normal 2-3% appreciation per year average

          #107838 Reply

            Bought a decade ago in the Bay Area. Looks like it’s about 8% annual appreciation.

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