How Paying Attention Saved Me Over $50 in a Week of Billing Errors

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  • #110044 Reply

      Pay attention.
      This past week I have been over charged, given wrong change, things added to my bill that was not mine, discounts not given etc.

      All of these this past week would have been well over $50 extra I would have spent that I didnt because I paid attention.

      Was double charged for a red bag of chicken because cashier was interupted during transaction and she scanned it twice ($7)

      Gas station did not register the 25 cents off per gallon ($2.50)

      Store gave me back $7 instead of $15 out of a $20 and when I said something she immediatly gave me the correct change ( $8)

      Was charged for an appetizer that was supposed to be free ($9)

      An entree was added to our bill that was not ours ($18)
      Over charged for laundry soap was supposed to be bogo ( $11)

      Hubby thinks I spend to much time looking at every receipt and bill but wow I dont want to over spend on other peoples mistakes .

      So by paying attention (and paying cash helps me pay more attention because I have an idea what each bill should be) I am saving.

      #110045 Reply

        Yes, pay attention!! I have had some of the same type experiences. This week a bank teller told me that I gave him $20 less after he counted the money twice.

        I asked him to run it thru the machine that counts and I was right! Scary!!

        And on Tuesday the local grocery store forgot my senior discount and had to go back with my receipt to get it corrected was told it was only like 60cents, and had to explain 5% of $100 wasn’t 60 cents!! Jeeve

        #110046 Reply

          I mean, $50/week is $200/month! That’s not nothing! I’ve had several mishaps like that, too, this week. Definitely pay attention!

          #110047 Reply

            I bought socks that were 2.00 on clearance from 10.00 well I was buying quite a lot of things and didn’t notice until I got home that I got charged 10 bucks for the darn socks…

            so now I’m the annoying lady who make the clerk go through every item I’m buying on clearance to make sure it rings up right!

            #110048 Reply

              Yes! I checked my grocery receipt when I got home because the total seemed higher than I was expecting. I noticed that I didn’t get the sale price on many of the items I bought.

              So, I checked the ad and realized those items required a digital coupon.

              I’m usually pretty good about noticing which items need a digital coupon but I was in a hurry and didn’t notice.

              I went back to the store and they refunded the difference.

              I will be more careful going forward.

              #110049 Reply

                As much as I dont like it, I go thru self check out and watch price on everything I ring up.

                #110050 Reply

                  I returned an unopened shower curtain to Ross. The cashier charged me for it then returned it., so I got zero back in my checking account.

                  However since I did not check receipt it went unoticed till I looked at my bank balance.

                  Anyway long story short, the manager would not make it right, he was obnoxious about it, I ended up going to my bank to have it made right. I learned my lesson.

                  #110051 Reply

                    I always check my recipes and if I find an error, I go back look, take a picture of tag, and show them.

                    It’s always better to do before you leave the store!

                    I was overcharged today, and relieved $9 back! Every penny counts!!!

                    #110052 Reply

                      I went to Wendy’s a few weeks ago (which is rare for us). I went through drive thru and paid with my card. They swiped my card and went to give it back to me and said “oh.

                      It didn’t go through” so she swiped it again.

                      Next day I checked my account and they charged me $12.xx for my order and then $15.xx (I am assuming for the next order!).

                      Watch everything closely, this stuff adds up quickly!

                      #110053 Reply

                        I was putting together an online order at Jewel Osco. I hadn’t finished placing it, didn’t put in my security code or verified anything.

                        I was ordering for a friend and he said he didn’t have enough $ so we had to take some things off.

                        The app shut down and I couldn’t get back in. Next day the order was on my porch!!! My total was $152, not $119.

                        It took my hours or phone time with them and filling out forms at the charge card company.

                        I t took over a month to finally talk to Corporate office. Because they lied and said they were always in a meeting.

                        I did get my money refunded finally. all $152.

                        #110054 Reply

                          I usually add up my bill before I check out. I go over my receipt every time. I find mistakes on the store’s part and sometimes on my fault.

                          If they undercharge me I let them know and also if they overcharge me.

                          I quit going to my favorite Mexican restaurant in our area because twice they overcharged me differently than the menu price.

                          Last time the cashier/manager said, new employee, new employee.

                          I don’t think it was. I think they were trying to cheat me.

                          So, I haven’t been back in probably 5 yrs.

                          #110055 Reply

                            I ck my receipts especially from grocery stores!! They mess up all the time,not in our favor!

                            #110056 Reply

                              Husband taught me to double check all receipts for double billing. He thinks stores do on purpose in holes that customers won’t notice

                              #110057 Reply

                                Good catch. I know where every single dime of my money goes. It’s my responsibility to look out for myself.

                                #110058 Reply

                                  Yes I watch really close!
                                  If I have anything clearance I put it first or last so I can watch them bring it up because in all stores clearance does not always register.

                                  I wish they would still do the thing they did years ago where they would give you the item for free if it rang up wrong!

                                  Two of my local stores used to do that one of them was a Walmart.

                                  #110059 Reply

                                    Meijer grocery store overcharges me every time I go there by not giving the right price to items on sale. I’m done going there.

                                    #110060 Reply

                                      Seriously, it’s a wonder the world keeps moving forward the way people screw stuff up all the time. Every. Single. Day.

                                      It’s not even just about money, pay close attention to all transactions in your life.

                                      The pharmacy makes one mistake after another with my husband’s prescriptions and I just have to watch it like a hawk.

                                      We’ve also had ER doctors who are evidently complete morons. Pay close attention to everything that happens in the world around you.

                                      I’m convinced that many, many people die every year from medical mistakes that just never get classified as such.

                                      And as far as being overcharged, hospital bills are the worst-request an itemization and review every single line item.

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