How should a beginner start investing after securing an emergency fund?

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  • #101094 Reply

      What are some good ways to start investing for a beginner? I’ve got my HYSA in a position where I can slow saving and focus on investing.

      My HYSA I’m using as a emergency fund.

      I do plan on adding money to it each month.

      I would like to focus more on investing. I am new and not sure where to go.

      I do live with my parents.

      I have a deal with my dad.

      Anything I buy for the house, he pays me back by investing it for me.

      I do know it’s hovering around 6 figures.

      #101095 Reply

        That’s a great deal your dad is willing to do! If i’m understanding correctly he’s going to be investing 6 figures for you.

        If so, be sure he looks it in to gift tax, if he splits it up that could help with taxes.

        The easiest way to start investing is open something at fidelity, pick an index fund and start putting money in to it.

        But if you have a retirement plan at work with a match it would be better to contribute to that for the match and then have your dad just replace what you are decreasing from your income

        #101096 Reply

          Look into VTI it’s a total stock market index fund. Basically if the whole stock market goes up so does your stock but if the whole market goes down so does your stock.

          I believe in set it and forget it since I got no clue on what individual stocks to pick.

          #101097 Reply

            I would say Trading using an Ai trading bot. Can average a good daily return of up to 2%.

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