How should I invest $550k in the U.S. for the next 20 years, considering real estate and index funds?

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  • #102847 Reply

      I am male 32 year old . I am married and kids 3 year old and younger one is 3 month old.

      I work in IT as Software Eng.

      I make about 150k per year .

      I have about 150k in 401k account.

      I already own a primary residence home locked in with 2.5% interest rate.

      I have made about 550k by selling property overseas.

      I am looking for ways to investment this money in USA .

      I don’t need this money for next 20 years.

      I need suggestions on the investment.

      I am open for real estate investment too and need suggestions on how to start one.

      If VOO or low cost index fund is the recommendation then should I investment all money at once or make monthly even distribution??

      #102848 Reply

        You’re in IT, you might be smart. Study Bitcoin. It’s going to continue sucking the monetary premium out of RE as a perceived store of value over the coming decades, particularly as you say you don’t need the money for 20 years.

        Good luck.

        #102849 Reply

          Depends on your goals, but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. A mixed of a broad based index fund and either an apartment syndication or rental property would be great.

          For the index fund, lump sum typically outperforms dollar cost averaging due to time in the market.

          You can do a short window of DCA tho, like 6 months to a year if that makes you more comfortable.

          I’d dump it in bc the price over the next 6-12 months will be irrelevant 20 years from now.

          $300k in the index.

          $250k in real estate if your going to commit to educating yourself.

          If not, put it all in the index.

          #102850 Reply

            If you’re looking to save money for your kid’s education, it might be worth putting some of that money aside as well.

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