How should we adjust our asset allocation and location before retiring in 3 years?

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  • #101088 Reply

      We are 47(F) and 50(M) with $3.3M in total invested liquid assets. We would like to retire 3 years from now.

      We estimate our expenses to be $100K per year in retirement (net of taxes), while the retirement income is expected to be $80K from a lifetime annuity for F.

      For purposes of this question, let’s assume no SS.

      Conservatively, per my calculations we will need $1.4M lump sum to draw from in order to cover expenses and taxes in retirement.

      That means we have an additional $1.9M as a cushion for adverse events (economic, health, etc).

      Currently, 70% of all invested assets is in brokerage, 24% in traditional IRA/401k and 6% in Roth.

      Our intention is to convert almost all of TIRA to Roth during the first 20 years of retirement.

      Total asset allocation is 85% stocks, 11% bonds, 4% money market.

      However, when it comes to asset location, the brokerage account has 92% in stocks 2% in bonds and 6% in money market.

      In our TIRA, we have 60% stocks and 40% bonds. In Roth, we have 100% stocks.

      The total allocation is heavy in stocks, because we have that extra cushion and as a result can tolerate more risk.

      Please give your thoughts on the asset allocation and asset location.

      What changes should we make in the next 3 years before retirement? What else are we missing in our plan?

      Many thanks in advance.

      #101089 Reply

        Why not retire now? You really have way more than you need, considering the annuity covers 80% of your expenses, and you have another $3.3 million besides.

        Plus, SS will probably be there in some form or another.

        In regards to bonds, I think you’re fine for now.

        I’d work towards transitioning to 30% bonds (between all accounts) after retirement.

        However, that’s just me.

        Given your financial situation, you can afford to be more aggressive if you want.

        I assume your stocks are all low cost index funds/ETFs?

        #101090 Reply

          What’s to criticize you can retire now. Just come up with a cashflow plan.

          I keep about 18mos lying around.

          I use stop orders to capture gains if the market takes a dip.

          Don’t forget ins

          #101091 Reply

            Is your goal to die at peak net worth? It looks like that’s what’s bound to happen based on the numbers.

            #101092 Reply

              In theory your heavy stock portfolio makes sense in part because of your young age (you have a 30+ year horizon and I think the rule of thumb is anything beyond 10) and because it’s balanced by the annuity.

              #101093 Reply

                How do you realize $100k per year from $1.4M?

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