How to build a $2M dividend portfolio with $300K, 10 years, and $2K/month?

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  • #98338 Reply

      If you had $300,000 and wanted to build a $2,000,000 dividend portfolio for income, what stocks, REITS, ETFs would you buy?

      I am at 10 years to retirement and can add $2,000 per month.

      • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by .
      #98339 Reply

        I wouldn’t focus on dividends, I’d target total return instead.

        #98341 Reply

          If you have 10 years to retirement I would focus on growth, then when you retire re-balance towards income.

          #98342 Reply

            The question is why you want to focus on dividends? They are essentially a forced realized capital gain

            #98343 Reply

              I personally would not risk REITS right now, especially commercial real estate based ones.

              #98344 Reply

                Following. Would like to know how to grow my portfolio by this many times in 10 years.

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