How to Get Free Food: A Guide to Restaurant and Grocery Throwouts

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  • #105293 Reply

      Restaurants and grocery stores throw out food nightly. A lot made that day.

      Don’t forget pizza and Chinese. Call 1 hour before closing and ask if they have any throw outs.

      Doughnut shops. Jersey Mike’s throws out bread baked that day nightly!

      Trader Joe’s. Coffee shops throw out scones, cinnamon. Rolls, banana nut bread etc. I’ve gotten a lot from 2 coffee shops locally.

      Our local pizza parlor gives their mistakes to the fire dept next door.

      #105294 Reply

        immy J ohn’s throws put a CLEAN bag of fresh bread every hour because it’s policy to bake fresh bread every hour.

        You can conclude what you want to about me from that statement.

        LOTS of perfectly good food goes to waste in America bc of ‘policy’.

        (I am not talking recalls and etc.) No hate, I am trying to help and it’s a rough day here (serios vision problems). Not asking for help.

        I know what I know.

        Hope this helps someone.

        #105295 Reply

          Former line cook of over 20 years. Giving away food was always considered theft at my jobs. They would rather toss.

          #105296 Reply

            Trader Joe’s here donates to food pantries( ours on Fridays) and to a homeless shelter. Starbucks also donates to our pantry.

            You just have to have someone willing to pick up.

            #105297 Reply

              In my area they don’t throw things out. Panera delivers to an assisted living facility. Some restaurants give free food to the soup kitchen and food bank.

              Quite a few take things to the homeless.

              #105298 Reply

                Not all states or businesses allow it because of lawsuits

                #105299 Reply

                  Not all businesses toss it. Meijer does Flash Food, restaurants do Too Good To Toss, a lot of grocers have markdown areas.

                  Some of the problem is that pantries are dependent on volunteers, so if they don’t have the vehicle or personnel to drive everywhere to pick up donations, then stores don’t have any other option.

                  #105300 Reply

                    Too Good To Go and Flashfood are both helpful. Our food pantry picks up Stop and Shop three days per week and Aldi one day per week.

                    #105301 Reply

                      There is an app that restaurants use to offer extra food. “Too Good to Go” I have not used it but…. might have a look.

                      #105302 Reply

                        There’s an app that some places use that they sell stuff like this for really cheap.

                        #105303 Reply

                          Not sure if it is still fine these days, but years ago, Tim Horton use to throw all their bagels and muffins out after closing .

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