How to start as a property caretaker near retirement for free housing?

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  • #98885 Reply

      Hey all!
      Wondering if anyone has thought about, or have experience with, being a caretaker at/for someone’s property?

      I ask as I could see us in the future wanting to do this as we near retirement for an opportunity to have “free housing”.

      Where would one begin looking into how to do this, getting any needed experience / certifications, etc?

      Thanks so much!

      #98886 Reply

        Learn how (correctly and to local code) to do all the repairs and maintenance that needs to be done on any home or property:

        plumbing, electrical, landscaping, gutters, roofing, general repairs and maintenance, cleaning, etc.

        #98887 Reply

          You could try housesitting. If you have a portable job, like pets, and like traveling it is a great way to see new places.

          We use Trusted Housesitters to find sits.

          We’re off to NYC for two and a half months here in the next few weeks

          #98888 Reply

            You can get certified as an estate manager,or similar. Helpful to have a ‘handyman’ background.

            #98889 Reply
            L.J. Walker

              there are house sitting websites. Stephanie Perry has a house sitting school and business.

              Since it’s a business she can deduct transportation as well as housing.

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