How to stay positive after briefly hitting our FI number?

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  • #99975 Reply

      We finally hit our FI number 2 days ago. We were so excited to finally see that number.

      Then 48 hours later…

      Not planning to retire tomorrow and we realize there will always be ups and downs in the market.

      It just would have been nice to see that number for more than a day!

      Stay the course and have a great day!

      #99976 Reply

        I saw it too. My
        Number is not high and it hurts still…

        is it normal to have wild fluctuations in an election year?

        #99977 Reply

          Forget where I heard this recently but most ppl will reach FI / retire in market peaks, which is actually more likely to suffer from sequence of return risk

          (since you’re already in a frothy market). Generally nobody retires in a recession when the market is down and SORR is low.

          Interesting to think about … but you’re not retiring anyway so congrats!

          You’ll be there soon!

          #99978 Reply

            The fact that you were able to grasp it for even just a moment is amazing!

            #99979 Reply

              You can celebrate reaching your FI a 2nd time!
              (Maybe, several times!)

              #99980 Reply

                You’re so close! Hang in there. One reason I don’t look too often.

                #99981 Reply

                  Well done. You’re still fi unless you pull all investments out to cash.

                  #99982 Reply

                    I consider you already there. As you note, there will always be ups and downs in the market.

                    You weren’t planning to retire immediately anyway.

                    Take the win.

                    #99983 Reply

                      We hit our FI number at the beginning of 2022 and then the market tanked.

                      We stuck with our plan and retired.

                      There will be many ups and downs and you’ll be ok.

                      Congrats on hitting your number!

                      #99984 Reply

                        “Making money is like digging with a needle; losing it is like pouring water into sand.”…

                        it’ll come back

                        #99985 Reply

                          I feel you. We hit a milestone did a day and everyday I see our numbers going the other direction.

                          Stay put, I will come back up.

                          Keep saving and investing.

                          #99986 Reply

                            The market is like riding a roller coaster sometimes and yes smart to stay buckled since you are not ready to retire yet.

                            Again congratulations.

                            Good times ahead

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