I applied for life insurance and was asked a question. What is your net worth?

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  • #82276 Reply

      It made me take a hard look at what we have. We don’t have a million but there’s strong savings, a decent home and two old cars, all paid in full. I always felt that it wasn’t enough.

      Then I remembered a friend telling me about her daughter and son in law who make great money but have zero savings due to a rich lifestyle.

      Their net worth is hardly anything. I used to agree that there’s a limit to what you can save but no limit to what you can earn.

      Now I know that earning way too much is only good for appearances if you are also spending way too much.

      #82277 Reply

        Yep! A lot of so called wealthy people don’t have a lot of savings because they gotta “ keep up with the Jones”. Brand new cars, upkeep on expensive homes, gym memberships at the high end ones etc.

        #82278 Reply

          Read “The Millionaire Next Door”. They are not the people you think they are.

          #82280 Reply

            Why would an insurance company ask your net worth. Red flag.

            I heard about a car insurance asking to see 3 past years of tax forms. Red flag

            My finances are nobodies business. It’s called tracking. Go elsewhere.

            #82281 Reply

              It’s not what you make, it’s what you spend.

              #82282 Reply

                I wonder when I see so many younger people with nice houses newer cars. Yeah. In the end, you can’t go back to redo. Make a plan early. Retirement is not cheap and really scary when it comes. You can’t devalue saving and planning early. One never can fully prepare for the future but try.

                #82283 Reply

                  It’s not how much you make but rather how much you save.

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