I did a budget and I need to get a second job

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  • #80039 Reply

      No biggie I can do it. I have been applying to a bunch of different types of jobs from retail to fast food. No one is calling and it is frustrating. I have tried door dash, and honestly between the gas/mileage I put on my car with what I made for my area isn’t really cutting it. I’m not giving up, but it is just so frustrating to see places are hiring, but I don’t hear anything from them.

      #80040 Reply

        Get clear on what you want your future to look like and stay in prayer . You will be fine.

        #80041 Reply

          I took a second job as a waitress at a restaurant I enjoyed. I actually went in and asked to speak to the manager and shook their hand and said, “Hey I submitted an application for a job on your website today. I’m really interested in working here.” They talked to me for several minutes on the spot, and I got an official interview the very next day. Even though there are lots of hiring signs out, they actually get lots and lots of applications and most of them are duds. Plus, they are busy and overwhelmed because they are short-staffed. It is worth the extra effort to make yourself stand out! ♡

          #80042 Reply

            Are there any hospitals in your area or nursing homes. They are always hiring and don’t need experience in some areas like dietary, etc

            #80043 Reply

              Call the places you’ve applied.
              Also, make a post on your FB about looking for a 2nd job. No detail needed about why, just put the word out. That’s how I found my 2 part time jobs.

              #80044 Reply

                I’m on the other end of the spectrum. I’m calling people for interviews and they aren’t returning my calls.

                #80045 Reply

                  Sheesh, in the Twin Cities your phone would be blowing up with calls right now; everyone is desperate! Sorry it’s been slow for you.

                  Ideas: front desk or cleaning at a gym (or childcare or working the cafe at a fancier gym)? Free membership!

                  Server assistant or hostess at a restaurant? If you can work into serving you can make great money!

                  Hotel housekeeping? Hiltons have incredibly generous employee discounts!

                  #80046 Reply

                    I always call let them k ow i applied and I’m very interested in the job, if I still haven’t heard back from them I would go in and ask to speak to a manager, that always used to help me. It is the same way in our area everyone is hiring and understaffed but they are not calling anyone back. Good luck on your journey!!

                    #80047 Reply

                      Look up how to hack job apps. Anytime I ever had to apply, I’d make my cover letter stand out by putting something interesting on it. Also, follow up with them by calling or stopping in physically to discuss your resume. Statistically, putting in an application won’t get you anywhere unless you separate yourself from the sea of other apps.

                      #80048 Reply

                        Many times, if you’ll go into the business and follow up in person it shows the willingness and eager to work, good luck.

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