I need direction on which funds/etf’s to purchase

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  • #82295 Reply

      22 year old college graduate. No debt, an average of $300 (expenses). Already have 6 months of salary savings and currently starting Roth IRA.

      The Roth has been funded with $2,500 but need direction on which funds/etf’s to purchase. Looking to retire, hopefully earlier than most.

      Thanks again and I look forward to reading the feedback!

      #82296 Reply

        Congrats, you’re off to a great start. I would invest in passive index funds but you have to understand why. The most important investment is in your financial education at this point. If you listen to Choose FI and the Money Guy Podcast and read JL Collins The Simple Path to Wealth you will learn how to set yourself up for financial success.

        I might also read Why The Stock Market Goes Up by Brian Feroldi. The fact that you even paying attention to your finances so young puts you on the right track.

        What is your income? What percentage are you saving so far? Your expenses are very low? Are you living at home?

        #82297 Reply

          I directed my daughter to Vanguard Roth IRA, 100% VTSAX. Also 22 year old college grad.

          My advice to her;
          1. 401k to matching
          2. Roth IRA max
          3. Back to 401k to maxing (could be Roth 401k).
          4. Set it and forget it.
          5. Come see me if you still have more money to invest.

          Nothing ground breaking.

          #82298 Reply

            I’ve suggested my 22 year old son to be 100% VTSAX. Schwab will have an equivalent fund.

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