I need to buy new kitchen faucet…Do I buy now or wait for Amazon prime days.. July 16th and 17th?

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  • #96759 Reply

      I need to buy a new kitchen faucet, but I’m not sure if I should purchase it now or wait for Amazon Prime Day on July 16th and 17th. For those with experience or knowledge, what would you recommend? Are there significant savings typically available during Prime Day, or should I go ahead and buy the faucet now?

      Any insights or past experiences with Prime Day deals on kitchen faucets would be greatly appreciated.

      Thank you!

      #96760 Reply

        Prime seems to mark stuff up just to put on sale. If you plan to look at Amazon, go and do your research now put it in your shopping cart and then take screenshots of the prices then you’ll know if you’re getting a good deal on prime day or not.

        #96761 Reply

          Go to a plumbing supply store, not a big box store. They will sell you a higher quality faucet than Amazon or Home Depot. If you can get a plumber to purchase it. The contractor get a discount.

          #96762 Reply

            Try habitat for humanity!

            #96763 Reply

              I got my bathroom faucet off Marketplace brand new still in the box.

              #96764 Reply

                Moen has lifetime warranty’s on their faucets.

                Anything goes wrong, you call them and tell them the info of the faucet and they send you a replacement part. No charge

                #96765 Reply

                  Prime days are basically pointless. Venders will raise prices beforehand so they can offer steep discounts. Better off watching sales locally, just looking for what you like that will be quality and last, or go secondhand on FB marketplace IMHO.

                  #96766 Reply

                    I went to a small local hardware store, they had last years on sale for half priced ware! $50.

                    #96767 Reply

                      Amazon unless you are buying a known brand, sell really poor quality ones. Go to a Builders Merchants supplies shop.

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