If you have big tech stocks, are you planning to hold or sell or buy even more?

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  • #97748 Reply

      We’re interested in understanding the sentiment of investors like you towards big tech stocks.

      With the fluctuating market conditions and the ever-evolving tech landscape, are you planning to hold onto your current investments, sell some or all of your shares, or even buy more?

      Please share your thoughts and reasoning behind your decision.

      Are there specific factors or trends that are influencing your choice?

      For example, do you believe in the long-term growth potential of these companies, or are you concerned about potential risks or market corrections?

      Your insights could provide valuable perspectives for fellow investors navigating the complex world of tech investments.

      #97749 Reply

        We’ve been selling large cap growth in favor of small cap value this year as it has outpaced other assets.

        It’s called “rebalancing” and forces you to sell high and buy low, but not go crazy doing it.

        Try it sometime. No market timing necessary and it generally works out pretty well.

        #97750 Reply

          Individual stocks or index?

          My plan is to have multiple index funds and continue on with dollar cost averaging.

          #97751 Reply

            Do you have a crystal ball? Can you please tell me what will happen with tech stocks in the near future?

            #97752 Reply

              This community is mainly on the premise of using index funds and for the long haul.

              If you have some big profits you might want to cash some in.

              #97753 Reply

                I saw my accounts took a dive today but still doing well over the last 8 years overall.

                I think my strategy is just leave as is for the long haul.

                #97754 Reply

                  I hold a tech fund. I sold some recently, but not because of anything the market is doing.

                  The tech fund had grown past its rebalancing threshold so I sold some as part of rebalancing.

                  #97755 Reply

                    I always buy . And my financial plan to pay for life and expenses isn’t really stock centric so there’s a good chance I won’t ever sell.

                    #97756 Reply

                      I’m holding but buying more small cap value funds

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