I’m hoping to buy my second home in the next 3-5 years

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  • #84690 Reply

      Not really a long term or retirement related question. On the fence about paying off my motorcycle loan. I’ve had it for just over a year. Down to $5,000 on the loan. Wondering just how negative paying off the six year loan that early will effect my credit.

      I’m hoping to buy my second home in the next 3-5 years, so credit is a big factor right now. No other debt besides my current mortgage.

      #84691 Reply

        It will actually help your score.

        #84692 Reply

          Paying it off will improve your score because you’ll have a lower debt-to-income ratio.

          #84693 Reply

            In 3-5 years any negative impacts from paying off the loan will be gone.

            #84694 Reply

              Pay it off, have NO credit what so ever and when it comes time to buy a house do manual underwriting at a bank with a brain.

              Explore these too: We are planning on being debt free in 3 years and home paid for in 8

              #84695 Reply

                Usually those decreases in credit score are short lived and then the score goes up again.

                #84696 Reply

                  Congratulations on paying it off. Be careful when you’re riding it.

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