Is $40k in HYSA enough, or should I save $50k-$60k instead?

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  • #96642 Reply

      How much is reasonable to have in HYSA? Right now I have roughly 40k and I’m wondering if I should have 50k or 60k. My son (13) and I (32f) are planning to possibly move with my boyfriend (30m) in the next year or so, but we’d be looking at renting, not buying. I’m just wondering if I should just be tucking away my excess savings into my HYSA or into my VTI with Vanguard?

      #96643 Reply

        What are the savings for? The broad/general advice is to have an emergency fund of ~6 months of expenses that can stay in a HYSA. Beyond that, excess cash is just sitting on the sidelines when it could be invested. It depends on your goals and needs and what you’re planning for, but in general excess cash that doesn’t need to be spent in the near future should be invested for the long term.

        #96644 Reply

          As much as you can. It’s a triple advantaged account.

          #96645 Reply

            If you don’t need it in the next 5 years, invest it in the stock market…VTI in your case.

            #96646 Reply

              Varies honestly but 6 months expenses would be ideal. Put rest in other investments.

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