Is a “Tax Free Green Line” presentation for fixed index annuities trustworthy?

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  • #103991 Reply

      I am attending a free dinner in exchange for listening to a “Tax Free Green Line” presentation that is selling a fixed index annuity.

      The presenter called his company and role as “Safe money preservation specialists” that everyone should have in addition to their financial professional.

      #103992 Reply

        “In addition to” because he only sells insurance and isn’t a real financial professional.

        All real financial professionals can also sell FIAs

        #103993 Reply

          I throw these in the trash, what am I missing? My time is worth more than a $100 (or less) meal.

          Seriously, is that the only reason you attend?

          #103994 Reply

            The names that some insurance and annuity salespeople give themselves are comical.

            Super creative, but comical.

            #103995 Reply

              My husband gets invited to these all the time! The last was one entitled something along the lines of “Funds to take you to Death and Beyond”

              It was at a smokehouse…. he didn’t go

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