Is adding vinegar to laundry an effective alternative to fabric softener?

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  • #100998 Reply

      Many people are exploring natural and eco-friendly alternatives for household chores.

      One common suggestion is to use vinegar in place of fabric softener during laundry.

      I’ve been trying the vinegar hack of adding it to my laundry instead of fabric softener that can be a little expensive.

      So far, so good. With the world the way it is..

      I am always llooking to save a few dollars!

      If you’ve tried this, I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

      Does vinegar actually help soften clothes, reduce static, and keep fabrics fresh?

      How does it compare to traditional fabric softeners in terms of effectiveness and scent?

      Are there any downsides or specific tips for using vinegar in laundry?

      Please share your insights, as I’m considering making the switch and would appreciate your feedback!

      #100999 Reply

        over time, the vinegar will destroy the seals and similar parts in your washer, so pennies now, $$$ later.

        (2) Also, vinegar and fabric softener don’t serve the same purpose in clothing.

        Vinegar is for stripping soap residue off of the fibers – which isn’t needed unless you’re planning to dye the clothes or you habitually overload on soap.

        Fabric softener penetrates the fibers making them thicker, smoother, and more flexible.

        Vinegar will decrease the life expectancy of clothing and fabric softener will increase it.

        #101000 Reply

          I’ve had multiple same machine for 26 years before that it was my father inlaws.

          I use vinegar every single time I wash clothing with no issues.

          I’m thinking since the newer machines are made to break that they are breaking and people are blaming the vinegar

          #101001 Reply

            We have been using a small amount of vinegar in the washing machine for over 8 years with no issues.

            #101002 Reply

              I don’t know why people use fabric softener. I can’t stand the way it makes my clothes feel.

              If my clothes are holding odors, I add a cup of vinegar to the machine and let it soak for a few minutes.

              #101003 Reply

                I don’t use fabric softener either, but I do use wool dryer balls.

                #101004 Reply

                  Vinegar is far better than any fabric softener in my opinion, less toxic and less expensive

                  #101005 Reply

                    Be careful with vinegar. It is hard on the rubber parts of washing machines and dishwashers.

                    #101006 Reply

                      I really like that the laundry has a fresh smell not an artificial fragrance.

                      #101007 Reply

                        It doubles as a household cleaner as well cleaning toilets windows mirrors counter tops

                        #101008 Reply

                          I used vinegar in two machines and they both broke the same way ( their barrels busted in pieces) definitely I’m never using it again.

                          #101009 Reply

                            I use vinegar regularly as I have pets and a husband that has sweaty pits.

                            I bought my front loader new in 2015.

                            Still have it no leaks etc… the clothes have been fresh and clean.

                            I do use dryer sheets cut into 1/3 in the winter. Anyway I like the vinegar.

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