Is Aflac a good option to help cover high medical and dental expenses?

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  • #100818 Reply

      Suggested to me by friend who also has high medical expenses.

      She said shevuses it to cover exessive nedical costs outside of regular medical insurance.

      We have a HDHP with $6k deductuble, 14k max out of pocket. On top we have a lot of dental expenses.

      My daughter needed 3 oral surgeries.

      None of which where covered by medical insurance.

      Even after I reach deductible, I still have to pay $500 for MRIs.

      My dental + medical expenses are very high, even after deductible is reached.

      Dental expenses are not counted toward any deductibles.

      #100819 Reply

        Do you have an option to put money into an HSA? That would be the better option with an HDHP.

        It would be a broader option for picking up deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket maximum, etc.

        Aflac plans are usually for very specific types of loss and you would have to have a specific policy for the specific type of loss you were trying to mitigate.

        For example, an accident policy would only pay out for things that could be classified as accidents.

        A cancer policy would pay only for things related to cancer.

        I don’t even know that they offer a dental policy, aside from what would be reimbursed as a dental emergency.

        I love Aflac as a company and we have had amazing results with them paying out when we have had claims.

        But, I don’t see it as being what you are looking for in terms of helping with the types of expenses you mentioned.

        #100820 Reply

          It would depend on the plan. I buy a supplemental insurance offered thru my work for accidents.

          Overall for year it’s a little over a hundred dollars.

          Jan my son broke his arm and it was $1200 payment to us.

          We’ve carried this plan a few years and sadly we’ve been in the green each time.

          We are not bs1 or 2 though so I think that could impact if this is appropriate for you.

          #100821 Reply

            Depends on the plan and your situation. I have a coworker with a very chronically ill spouse, and she maxes out all the supplemental plans to pay their medical deductible, because he is definitely in the hospital X days per year.

            Keep in mind, there is usually a waiting period before pre existing conditions are covered.

            They are usually pretty expensive if one doesn’t have a lot of issues, or isn’t usually admitted.

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